b'Turn a New Leaf Makes HealthyTThe City of Keene Parks PLAY Eating Easyand Recreation DepartmentCity of Keenesupports residents and HEALTHY Americans are dining out or using take out as home mealvisitors to meet their activeMaking Walking and Biking Easierliving goals with sports replacements more and more.Yet, studies have consistentlyteams, fitness programs, shown that food eaten away from home is generally higherand a robust trail system.What do the residents of Keene want most from their in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol levels, and sodium. InWith the recent addition addition, people tend to consume larger portions when eatingof the North Bridge, therecreation department? According to Andrew S. Bohannon, eastern and westernKeenes director of parks, recreation and facilities, the number When were riding our bikes, playing tennis, or walking theaway from home. parts of the city are nowone concern among residents is our trail system, he says. dog, exercising seems effortless. This is what we used to callconnected providing play when we were young. We all still need playtimenotSo how can diners, many of whom are looking for a varietyNot that people necessarily want to build more trailswalkers and bikers a safebut they want to improve what we have, says Bohannon.only to keep our bodies healthy, but also to keep our mindsof healthier options when eating away from home, find whatroute to travel to work, they need? shopping, dining, and sharp and our stress levels down. best of all, for just beingIn the citys active and passive recreation management plan, The Cheshire County Healthy Eating, Active Living (CC HEAL)active.Champion, Andythe trail system has been at the top of the list. The biggest In our region, there are limitless (and relatively inexpensive)initiative is partnering with area restaurants and food venues toBohannon, Director ofboost this past year to Keenes trail system has been the options for adultsand kidsto play and get exercise:offer healthy menu options to patrons. Known as,Turn a NewParks and Recreation installation of the North Bridge, a 900 foot long pedestrian from parks, paths, bike trails and dynamic state and localLeaf (TANL), this menu-labeling program supports diners bybridge that connects nearly two miles of improved multi-use recreation facilities, to private gyms and fitness centers. identifying healthier options on participating restaurant andtrail to the rest of Keenes trail network.cafeteria menus. A consistent logo is used - the green elm leaf and red heart- to identify healthy dining options. The funding, coordination and construction of the bridge All of the multiuse trails in Keenewas a collaborative effort with Pathways for Keene, a local The Turn a New Leaf programs nutrition criteria promote fruits,are now labeled to provide usersnonprofit volunteer organization; the City of Keene; and state vegetables, whole grains, and beans and helps diners to limitan indication of the path they areand federal partners. Last year in May, Pathways for Keene on. The trail system is a vibrantreceived an Outstanding Achievement Award from the New total fat, saturated fat, calories, and sodium. gateway to the community encouraging everyone to walk,Hampshire Governors Council on Physical Activity and Health Participating restaurants and cafeterias include: run and bike, for recreation,for its work to develop bicycle and pedestrian pathways in Corner Caf at the Keene Family YMCA active transportation and tothe City.Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keenesimprove our health. Center Court CafChampion, Ed Guyot, ChairThe North Bridge has been a huge assetpeople say they of the City of Keenes Bicycle/ now use the bridge to bike or walk to work, says Bohannon. The Community Kitchen Pedestrian Path AdvisoryThe bridge also allows residents on the east side of Keene safe Elm City Bagels Committee walking access to the Monadnock Marketplace and Stonewall The TANL system used in our Center Court Caf over theHome, Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services Meals onFarm, on the west side of the city.past year labels offerings that meet nutrition criteriaWheels and Friendly Mealsfor healthy (one heart), healthier (two hearts) andLittle Zos Pizza Improvements to the citys trail system will continue through healthiest (three hearts).Many of our customers haveLucas Market this summer. A section of the Cheshire Trail from the North told me they use the TANL labels to help guide theirPort Authority Cafe Bridge to Whitcomb Mill Road, currently a rail bed, will be meal choices. Our sales data shows that customersThe Swamp Bats snack bar improved with the installation of crushed stone. A tourist are beginning to use the information to shift their meal choices toward healthier selections. Champion, Fred Girard, Director ofFor more information about how to bring the TANL programPathways for Keene is a driving force for funding, coordination and developmentmap of the citys complete trail system will also be available Nutrition and Food Services, Cheshire Medical Center Dartmouth Hitchcockto a local eating establishment contact CC HEAL at (603)354- of bike and pedestrian trails that offer a multitude of benefits to the residentson-line and at 80 tourist kiosks this summer.Keene and visitors of Keene. We are proud of our work to help make Keene a city that 5400 Ext. 2369 is safe and easy to walk and bike infor recreation, physical activity and active In photo: CMC/DHK Food Service staff members from leftt to right (front row): transportation.Champion, Ted McGreer, President, Pathways for KeeneMichelle Hunt, Fred Girard, Lindsey Nutting, Nancy Wettach; (back row):It is an honor to serve our Amanda Conant, Judy Holmes, Beverly Boyd, Kari Hayes, Katelyn Whittier community by offering healthy menu choices for our By participating in the TANL menuvalued customers through labeling program, we are doing ourthe TANL menu labeling part to help our fans and fellowprogram. Champions, citizens make healthier choices whilePat and Kim Stack, owners enjoying one of Americas favoriteof Elm City Bagels & Delipastimes.Champion, DonnaIn photo: Elm City Bagel Watterson, Keene Swamp Bats employees from left to right: In photo: Champion, DonnaOlivia Patria and Elizabeth Watterson & 500th Champion,SandersRibby the Swamp Bat10 11'