b'2020 School Champions Vision 2020 School Champions believe that by working TOGETHER we can live in the nations healthiest community by 2020. School Champions (grades k-12) become part of a grass-roots effort to make the healthy choice the easy choice for students and families, teachers, and other school staff. From encouraging walking and biking to school to expanding on-site gardens andThe Vision 2020 Champions program supports and motivates individuals and groups to live, share, model and farm to school programs, area schools are makinginspire the values, goals and strategies of Vision 2020. This grassroots effort of community members, organizations environmental and policy changes to make it easierand schools promotes social connection, encourages action, and works to create an environment that supports the for students and staff to be the healthiest they canhealth and well-being of all Cheshire County residents. By working together, Champions know we can live in the be. To become a School Champion, contact theAs Vision 2020 School Champions, Marlborough School plans to implement the Turn a New Leafhealthiest community in the nation.Champions Coordinator at 354-5460. menu labeling program in our cafeteria, work with Keene Food Service to offer more local foods, create a policy that provides guidelines for non-food fundraisers, and create a Safe Routes to Official2020SchoolChampions (as of May 2013) School task force to help us better understand the program and how to encourage our students, their families, and our staff to actively commute to and from school.Champion & Principal, Fuller Elementary School Richard NannicelliHarrisville-Wells Memorial SchoolKeene High School Mt. Caesar Elementary School*Marlborough School*North Walpole SchoolSymonds Elementary School* Vision 2020 Individual Champions believe that Walpole Elementary School by working TOGETHER we can live in the nations Walpole Primary School healthiest community by 2020. Individual Westmoreland School*Champions become part of a grass-roots effort *Schools where 80% or more of their staff haveto live, share, model and inspire the goals, values become Vision 2020 Champions. and strategies of Vision 2020 for themselves, I feel like a Champion because of my hard work over the past couple of years eating healthier and moving more. I have lost a total of 110 lbs and am looking forward to trying new things nowtheir family and friends, their co-workers, and 2020 Schools Champions (in process) that I am more active. Thanks to everyone who has supported my journey! Champion, Diane Mt. Caesar School received the 2012 Vision 2020 Champion S.T.A.R. & H.E.A.L. awards forother people in their social networks. Vision Chesterfield Elementary School recruiting over 80% of their staff as Individual Champions and exemplifying healthy eating andCroteau 2020 Champions may work on their own healthy Gilsum Elementary School active living within their school. Living a healthy lifestyle has become morelifestyle behaviors or on ways to improve the Hinsdale Elementary School In photo: From left to right: Champions, Betty Tatro (Principal) and Judy Lundahl (Art Teacher) important to me in recent years. Part of my interest and desire comes from learning aboutplaces throughout Cheshire County where we Nelson School the impact simple changes in our everydaylive, learn, work and playthe places where Wheelock School routines can have on our overall health andhealth begins. Winchester School well-being. I enjoy so much about my life and I want to remain active and healthy forSign up as a Vision 2020 Champion online at: years to come. Eating fresh local foods and 5-2-1-0 Healthiest Schools (pilot program) making sure I go to a weekly yoga class havewww.healthiestcommunity.org Jonathan Daniels Elementary School been important to my commitment. Andwww.facebook.com Vision2020Healthiestcommunitywhenever I can, I enjoy a long walk with Mt. Caesar Elementary School my dog, Grace, as she helps me rememberOr contact the Champions Coordinator atMonadnock Waldorf School the importance of exercising and having fun Surry Village Charter School every day. The work of Vision 2020 inspires(603) 354-5460.and teaches me to live and be healthy, which serves everyone in our community, not just At the Walpole consolidated schools, we believe in educating the whole child.Learningme!Champion, Robin Eichert encompasses more than classroom academic experiences and includes how to care for yourself through healthy eating and active living. As School Champions, we have recruited many of our staff as individual Champions, implemented walk and bike to school days, and will continue toMore than 1900 individuals implement physical activity breaks into the classroom.Champion and Principal, Sam Jacobs have signed on as Champions to support Cheshire County in becoming the healthiest community in the nation. In photo: North Walpole Champion School, with students, Principal, Sam Jacobs and Champion, Jean Kobeski16 17'