b'Where Are We Going? Vision 2020 is Collective ImpactAction plans bring the principles and aspirations of Vision 2020 to life. They are the roadmaps that provide the direction to move the effort forward. Many of the twenty-one action strategies, selected in 2011, are currentlyCollective ImpactTM describes the commitment of a group of people from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a being implemented around three themes: complex social problem. In order to create lasting solutions, like improving health outcomes for all Cheshire County residents, organizations and individuals need to coordinate their efforts and work together around a clearly defined goalin our case,HealthyEating becoming the healthy community in the nation. ActiveLiving The Five Conditions of Collective Impact Success SocialDeterminantsofHealth(education,incomeandjobs)CommonAgenda: All participants have a shared vision for change including a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions.The Vision 2020 action strategies are focused on improving quality of life and preventing the leading causes SharedMeasurement: Collecting data and measuring results consistently ensures efforts remain aligned and of death. More than 350 Cheshire County residents contributed to their development. Many of the strategiesparticipants hold each other accountable. (see page 12 & 13)are intended to provide high-impact change that will affect large groups of people, while others encourage MutuallyReinforcingActivities:Participant activities must be coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of healthy habit and lifestyle change among children, adults and seniors. Taken together, the goal of the actionaction to avoid duplication.plan is to give every citizen of Cheshire County equal opportunity to be the healthiest he/she can be.ContinuousCommunication: Consistent and open communication is needed across the many players to build trust, assure mutual objectives, and inspire common motivation. BackboneOrganization: A separate organization with staff and a specific set of skills serves as the backbone for the entire collective impact initiative, including coordinating participating organizations and agencies.The Partners who have aligned to work on one or more of theThe Collective Impact change framework was created by Fay Hanleybrown, John Kania and Mark Kramer from FSG, a nonprofit, international consulting firm. Their research reports and influential articles have been published in the Harvard Business Review and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.Vision 2020 action strategies include the: CheshireMedicalCenter/Dartmouth-HitchcockKeene:TheBackboneOrganization AdvocatesforHealthyYouthcoalition In 2006, Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene (CMC/DHK) challenged Cheshire County to become the healthiest community in the nation by the year 2020. Taking on the role of the backbone organization, CMC/DHK has six on- CheshireCountyHealthyEatingActiveLivinginitiative going and essential collective impact functions to:CityofKeene 1.provide overall strategic direction CommunityConnectionsforAfterSchoolNetworking 2.facilitate dialogue and coordination between partners3.manage data collection and analysis KeeneSchoolDistrict 4.handle communications TheMonadnockFarmandCommunityCoalition 5.coordinate community outreach and;6.mobilize and leverage funding. MonadnockRegionTransportationManagementAssociation MonadnockUnitedWay CMC/DHK has dedicated Vision 2020 staff and an evaluation consultant (Antioch New England University), who plan, manage, and support the initiative through ongoing facilitation, technology and communications support, data collection and reporting, and handling the myriad of logistical and administrative details needed for the initiative to function smoothly. CMC/DHK strives to maintain a balance between the strong leadership needed to keep all partners aligned and working together and the invisible behind the scenes role that supports other stakeholders ownership of the initiatives success.The Elm City Rotary club received the 2012 Vision 2020 Healthiest Community Champion of the Year Award for inspiring healthy behavior change in others and advancing theV I S I O N 2 0 2 0 T I M E L I N Eaction plans of the Vision 2020 initiative.In photo:From left to right: Ted McGreer,2006: 2007: 2009: 2010: 2011: 2012: 2013:Liz Coppola, Cheryl Belair, Kathy Harrington,CMC/DHKCouncil forHealth andAction planning kicked1st set of action strategiesPartners align to2nd round of action Ellie Fedrizzi, Denise Thomas, John Round,challenges Cheshirea Healthierwell-being indicatorsoff at Healthy Communityselected and shared.implement 21planning to address Rudy Fedrizzi County to becomeCommunity (CHC) selected and targetsSummit I. Indicators updated at Healthyaction strategies mental well-being.the healthiestagrees to overseeset by CHCChampion recruitmentCommunity Summit II.Indicators updated at community in theVision 2020 begins. Organizations and Schools signHealthy Community nation on as Champions. Summit III.2 3'