b'response, government, faith-based, philanthropic, and business sectors. Community partners and Champions are working together to improve the quality of life and prevent the leading causes of death for everyone by implementing strategies to: increase healthy eating and active living; increase income and jobs; improve mental wellbeing, increase emergency preparedness, reduce substance misuse including tobacco, increase educational attainment, and increase access and quality of healthcare. 2014 2016 2017Awareness of Healthy Monadnock grows fromMonadnock Living Wage Campaign launchesTOWN CHAMPION PROJECT launches to increase opportunities 45% TO 49% at HEALTHY COMMUNITY SUMMIT V focusedfor healthy eating, and active and smoke-free livingMonadnock United Way launches Impacton social connection and substance misuse.Advocates for Healthy Youth Coalition celebrates 15 YEARS. Monadnock to support the development ofA Tapestry of Hope: Preventing and TreatingChildhood obesity decreasedchildren (0-5) Addiction; Keynote speaker: Johann Hari, authorAwareness of Healthy Monadnock grows from 49% TO 56% HEALTHY COMMUNITY SUMMIT IV: Why Livingof Chasing the Scream (From 2017 Community Survey)Wages Matter to the Health of the CommunityMonadnock United Ways strategic plan focusesSIXTY EMPLOYERS implementing projects and policies that with Jeff Furman, Chair of the Board of Directorson long term strategies that invest in children,make the healthy choice the easy choice for 7,330 EMPLOYEES for Ben and Jerryseducation and financial stability through the HM Champions ProgramLiving wage for Monadnock Region calculatedSmoke free multi-unit housing policies adoptedFOURTEEN SCHOOLS implementing plans to increase walking to be $32,500/year. Nearly 30% of regionsfor 874 units reaching 1,773 PEOPLE with partnerand bikingfor 4,930 STUDENTS (with partner Southwest Region households make less than $25,000/year Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Communities Planning Commission)Smoking rate for people making under $25,000/ City of Keene creates guidelines to supportI AM HEALTHY MONADNOCK campaign launches to increase year33.9%; over $25,000/year11.4% implementation of newly adopted Completeawareness and community engagementONE MILLION DOLLARS awarded to CMC fromStreets ordinanceMonadnock Region System of Care, a 4-yearFORTY-FIVE ORGANIZATIONS purchase local food from regional the Centers for Disease Control to supportfarms through Monadnock Menus, serving an estimated 19,000 community partners to increase opportunitiesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health ServicesPEOPLE (with partner, Cheshire County Conservation District)for healthy eating, and active and smoke-freeAdministration (SAMHSA) implementation living in towns, worksites and schools grant focuses on improving care for children,SEVEN COMMUNITIES adopt Complete Streets policies and youth and families struggling with significantguidelines reaching 36,830 PEOPLE (with partner, Southwest emotional and behavioral health issues Region Planning Commission)2015 City of Keene implementsprojects to increase opportunities for walking and biking , Council for a Healthier Community completesincluding enhancements to the Cheshire Rail Trail and addition of action planning based on State of New Hampshirea pedestrian bridge over route 101and Healthy Monadnock goals and createsHEALTHY COMMUNITY SUMMIT VI focuses on connection between the first GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITYeconomic vitality and health with Greg Tehven, community builder HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CHIP) and small town champion discussing his work and Tedx Talk, Conventional Economic Development is Dead Wrong'