b'2.3 Patients Reporting That Health Providers Responded toProvider Responded to Your ConcernsConcerns. Increase the proportion of persons who report that their health care providers have satisfactory interpersonal skills 2005Why is this important?Respect is part of the larger dimension of patient-provider in-teractions that includes trust, communication, and shared decision-making. Patients who2006feel valued by the care providers, in such a way that there is a mutual concern about the patient, are more likely to follow through on treatment care and get preventive services,2007as well as report higher satisfaction levels.30Where we stand now:Close to two-thirds of patients rated the their health care2008provider as excellent at responding to their concerns. Keene 0 20 40 60 80Southern Region Percent of AdultsCheshire Countys goal: Seventy percent of patients will report that their experienceTargetwas excellent. 312.4 Patients Reporting That Health Providers Spent Enough Time with Them. Increase the proportion of persons who report thatTime Spent with Providertheir health care providers provide satisfactory interactionsWhy is this important? Patients who feel heard and respected are more likely to feel2005satisfied that the health care provider has spent enough time listening so as to understand their concerns. The perception that an exam has been thorough can lead to a greater 2006likelihood that patients will understand and follow their providers advice andtreatment plan.322007Where we stand now:Just over half of patients rated the adequacy of time spent with their health provider as excellent. 2008Cheshire Countys goal: Seventy percent of patients will report that their experienceKeene 0 20 40 60 80Southern Region Percent of Adultswas excellent. 33 Target32 Engaging Our Community In Health88222_CMC2.indd 34 2/1/10 12:27 PM'