b'Where Are We Now?The following dashboards of data depict historical and comparison information about our communitys health and well-being in a snapshot for each of the five target areas:Health Status, Health Literacy and Communication, Health Care Access, Wellness, Social Capital.The colors of the arrows represent improving, or declining conditions. The direction of the arrows shows us whether the trend has beengoing up or down over time. Yellow bars indicate unchanging conditions. (We want all our arrows to be green!)Finally, the ability to view the numbers about Cheshire County, New Hampshire and the United States lets us know at a glance how we compare, and where we are relative to our stated target.As these dashboards reveal, Cheshire County is starting from a position of strength in its quest to become the healthiest in the nation.Engaging Our Community In Health788222_CMC2.indd 9 2/1/10 12:26 PM'