b'WellnessExplore avenues for helping the livable creating a centralized kiosk/website to wage keep pace with actual wages by give information on events and addressing the high cost of housing and activities; expand bike walking trails, bikeproperty taxes, and the cost of commutinglanes, and sidewalks and ensure that theyto employment outside of the region. are safe and well lighted; and integrateAddress employment issues in the local area physical activity into workplaces throughincluding lack of variety of employment walking paths and activity breaks duringopportunities; difficulty attracting and the work day. Mark Corlissretaining a workforce (young people, highly Build a community awareness program5210 Afterschool Clubskilled people); and a lack of green jobs. and use best practice programs to actively Established under the leadership of Beth Corwin, Build awareness about the connection promote healthy physical activities (and Symonds Physical Education Specialist, the club between economic health and well-being infrastructure) as a community value. provides age appropriate, meaningful, and and individual and community healthfun activities that enables children to learn and outcomes. Social Capital experience the connections between being physically active, eating well, and staying healthy. Connect with the City of Keene Master Gather data on the link betweenThe 5-2-1-0 messagePlanning process.actively participating in community serving organizations and positive health 5: Eat at least five servings of fruits andIncrease awareness and understanding outcomes; participating in political/civic vegetables per day.of high school completion as a predictor of individual and community health and processes and positive health outcomes; 2: Cut screen time to two hours orwell-being by tackling factors thatand social inclusion and positive health less per day (TV, PCs, video games,influence dropping out of high school outcomes; and the level of philanthropic cell phone screens).including availability of extended or virtualculture within our community. 1: Participate in at least one hour oflearning opportunities and coding and Build awareness about social inclusionmoderate to vigorous physicallabeling issues for at-risk students. and bridging and its contribution to activity per day.Enhance options for physical activity by good health. 0 :Restrict and reduce sugar sweeteneddrinks to zero per day.Engaging Our Community In Health5188222_CMC2.indd 53 2/1/10 12:27 PM'