Our Impact

Im•pact /noun/: the effect of one person, thing or action on another; /verb/: to impact on; to have a strong effect on someone or something.

As an Alliance, we strive to create health equity for everyone living in the Monadnock region. We believe every individual deserves a fair and just opportunity to live their healthiest life possible. Our work and theory of change–Partnerships, Programs, Policy, System, and Environmental Changes, address these challenges by focusing our efforts on root causes to produce not just a healthy lifestyle for individuals but to impact large-scale change throughout our community.


organization members working to advance the Healthy Monadnock Alliance priority areas


insurance coverage among Cheshire County residents, up 7% in the latest study


experiencing good or better health, reported by local adults, up 5.5% in current data


policies and protections enacted at state, town, and organizational levels to safeguard people of all ages from secondhand smoke


municipalities with increased access to safe physical activity with the Complete Streets program, helping to create equitable, affordable, and livable communities for all


employees given access to enhanced worksite wellness benefits


community members who have benefited from behavioral health education


schools with new policies and programs to support student wellness efforts


people trained in emergency preparedness including NARCAN training

The Stories Behind the Numbers

Finding Friendship
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Making Ballgames Healthier
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Marlborough School
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