Emergency Preparedness

The health of a community depends in part on its resilience in the face of emergencies that can have widespread health consequences. Factors like eating right, exercising, and access to high quality health care are essential, but in the face of a community disaster, like a flood, blizzard, long-term power outage, or infectious disease pandemic, additional supports are needed to ensure sustainable community health. Prepared Monadnock that awareness of risks, community-level strategic planning, and personal preparedness are key to being safe at home and safe across our community, so together, we can weather any kind of storm.

Prepared Monadnock Workgroup

Prepared Monadnock is a on a mission to instill the vital importance of personal preparedness among community members in the face of emergencies. With the understanding that disasters can occur unexpectedly, this group takes the initiative to engage residents on the critical need for emergency plans and well-stocked supplies. By promoting a culture of readiness, Prepared Monadnock empowers individuals and families to take control of their safety and resilience during crises.

Objective: Save lives by equipping individuals to help themselves and others be physically safe during emergencies.

Key Results:

15% of residents in two communities trained in one life saving topic.

25% of Healthy Monadnock Alliance member representatives are prepared to be without power for 72 hours.

Activate one resident from each of the 33 towns in the Monadnock Region to be part of the HMA Volunteer Corps.

600 *Personal Prep assessments completed. (*Assessment TBD)

Additional Community Projects

COVID-19 Vaccination Roll-out

Since December 2020 the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network has partnered with other member organization to provide over 74,000 COVID-19 vaccines in the Monadnock Region. COVID-19 vaccination efforts in this region have been successful inRead More

CPR Training

Every year, throughout the Monadnock region, we are training our community members to save a life. Through scheduled trainings as well as public “just-in-time” trainings, residents in the region are provided with information on howRead More

Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE)

BRACE is dedicated to helping individuals in the Monadnock region prepare for natural disasters. Our trainings review the natural disasters that are prevalent in our region; from flooding, to snow and ice storms, to hurricanes,Read More
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