Protective & Risk Factors

Substance abuse or misuse can derail a young person’s life just as they’re getting started. Healthy environments that offer strong protective factors, such as reliable support from parents or guardians, positive relationships with peers, and financial stability can greatly decrease the likelihood of substance misuse among youth. Be The Change – Prevention Taskforce is working to increase these protective factors throughout our region and minimize the risk of area youth using or abusing substances.

Be The Change – Prevention Taskforce

The Be the Change – Prevention Taskforce is committed to empowering our area youth by enhancing protective factors crucial for preventing substance misuse. By engaging the community and providing essential education, Be The Change cultivates strong support networks that surround our young people, including meaningful connections with peers and mentors, access to enriching recreational activities, and programs that build resilience and empower healthy decision-making.

Objective: Reduce the risk of substance use among middle school youth.

Key Resluts:

75% of middle schools in the region will implement a prevention program for their students.

65% of youth will engage in an extracurricular activity with other youth.

80% of youth will have an adult in their community that they can count on for help.

Additional Community Projects

Monadnock Rising

Monadnock Rising is a youth-focused substance use prevention program that focuses on two key underlying factors of youth substance use and abuse—risk factors and protective factors. Monadnock Rising provides insight, perspective and resources to youngRead More

Getting to Y

GETTING TO ‘Y’ offered through UP for Learning; an organization dedicated to engaging youth in education, is a program giving students the opportunity to bring meaning to their own Youth Risk Behavior Survey data. ThroughRead More
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