b'1.7 Unintentional Injuries Mortality Reduce deaths caused by unintentional injuries Unintentional Injuries as Cause of Death Why is this important?It is the goal of a healthy community to reduce both overall50accidents and accident mortality. The areas of national concern, according to theCenters for Disease Control, include but are not limited to: general child supervision,40falls among older adults, and residential fires.11Improved outcomes require the Per 100,000 Persons Per 100,000 Personscombined efforts of many fields, including health, education, transportation, law,engineering, and safety science. Communities can adopt national prevention 30strategies and tailor them to their own demographics and areas of concern.12Where we stand now: In Cheshire County unintentional injury mortalities have been20on a slight upward trend, higher than both the New Hampshire rate and the10rest of the nation.Cheshire Countys goal: There will be consistently fewer than 17 deaths per 100,0000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006persons from unintentional injury in Cheshire County.13 Cheshire CountyNew HampshireUnited StatesTarget1.8 Suicide Mortality Reduce deaths caused by suicideWhy is this important?Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of deaths across allSuicide as Cause of Death ages, and the second leading cause of death in young adults. Communities can be15instrumental in detecting suicidal impulses and behavior and creating safety nets for those most in danger of self-harm. Among the leading risk factors for suicide are previous12suicide attempts, a history of depression or mental illness, alcohol or drug abuse, a family history of suicide or violence, physical illness, or feeling alone. Likewise, communities9can work to decrease access to illegal or controlled substances and firearms, which play a substantial role in suicides.146Where we stand now: The proportion of deaths by suicide appears to be declining slightly in Cheshire County and the rate is about the same as all of New Hampshire and3the nation.Cheshire Countys goal: To consistently experience fewer than 5 deaths per 100,0000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006persons from suicide.15 Cheshire CountyNew HampshireUnited StatesTargetEngaging Our Community In Health2788222_CMC2.indd 29 2/1/10 12:26 PM'