b'Mental Health Status 1.11 Mental Health StatusReduce the proportion of adults who report frequent mental15 % health distress 12 Why is this important? Mental health is fluidexisting on a continuumand responsive to both internal and external events. To be our most productive society, we Percent of Adults9 should work to increase functionality in all individuals. One of the most detrimentalcauses of reduced mental health is stress, and for many Americans their mental health 6 suffers most in the workplace. Stress can predispose a person to cardiovascular disease, psychological disorders, injury, suicide, ulcers, and impaired immune function. Anxiety is common to those under stress and can lead to real physical changes in the body such as 3 rapid heart rate. Most mental health disorders are treatable, and through community level initiatives we can better ensure early diagnosis and proper care.2002005 2006 2007 2008 Where we stand now:The proportion of persons reporting frequent mental health Cheshire CountyNew HampshireUnited StatesTargetdistress has remained fairly steady over time in Cheshire County and New Hampshire, at about 8-12% of the population, and this rate is about the same for all of the nation.Cheshire Countys goal: Fewer than 6% of adults will experience mental health distress.21Adults Who Are Current Smokers50 % 1.12 Adults Who Smoke Reduce cigarette use by adults40 Why is this important?Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death Percent of Adultsin the United States. The negative health effects associated with smoking are well 30 documented: smokers die of lung cancer (and 11 other types of cancer), heart disease,and stroke. Smoking does not, however, only harm smokers. Second hand smoke exposure 20 affects many others, especially children. Smoking leaves a legacy of low birth weight, still birth, and childhood asthma. As a community, we can strive to be supportive, creative,10 and effective in helping people quit smoking. 22Where we stand now:The smoking rate in Cheshire County has declined in the past 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 several years, as it has also in New Hampshire and the U.S. Cheshire CountyNew HampshireUnited StatesTargetCheshire Countys goal: Fewer than 12% of Cheshire County adults will smoke.23Engaging Our Community In Health2988222_CMC2.indd 31 2/1/10 12:26 PM'