b'Aspirations Toward a Culture of HealthDuring the Vision 2020 Workgroup meetings,participants identified activities, program areas, Health Literacy Health Care Accesspartnerships, messages, and other factors that wouldFind ways to engage people, and offerDevelop a community toolkit or literacy be present, or should be accomplished, to reach the opportunities for information, even when program about health insurance options,healthiest community goal in an ideal world with they may not want more information, have cost, and coverage to raise awareness and unlimited resources. The statements below summarize difficulty using technology or reading, or provide information.these thoughts and are offered to encourage our may not understand the importance of community to think beyond our current limitations, health information. Enhance oral health care through a variety to stretch further than we might feel comfortable to of mechanisms including: expanding oral dream. The workgroup participants acknowledgeOffer a much broader range of health health insurance, dental services mobile that this list is not exhaustive. Rather, it is a place education opportunities using a variety bus, expanded community outreach and to start a dialogue about the hard things that we of formats, enhanced technology, and coordination with schools, on-call dental need to face in moving toward a culture of health.expanded programs in rural areas and emergency system, and expandedschools, to be inclusive of people who education about the importance of Health Statuslive and work in different towns, frail prevention for oral health. Integrate existing health promotion elderly, and people who do not participate Conduct proactive education and initiatives and enhance communication in civic or religious organizations. information events about access issues between programs.Build awareness around a variety of health to offer information before a crisis occurs.Increase community awareness of all of topics such as prevention screenings, diagnosticImprove support and funding for prenatalthe existing programs and initiatives.tests, hospice, and palliative care. care programs and better connect them toCreate effective and consistentResearch and implement best practice the community access points such as schools, programs such as Ask Me 3. colleges, and gathering places for women communication, education, and awareness and teens. around health behaviors to change the Gather more data on the health literacy of ourculture.population. Implement a social marketing and messaging campaign such as 5-2-1-0 that promotes prevention and healthy behaviors, and coordinates with the HEALprogram.5 0 Engaging Our Community In Health88222_CMC2.indd 52 2/1/10 12:27 PM'