b'Table of Contents About This PlanAcknowledgmentspage 1 The Cheshire County Healthiest Community Plan is a frameworkMessage from the Chairpersonspage 4 for action. It provides an agenda for engaging all members and sectorsof our community to join together in improving the culture of health How Did Vision 2020 Get Started? page 5in our community, it makes recommendations for doing so, and itWhat Is Vision 2020?page 6outlines how we will monitor our progress along the way.Where Are We Now?page 7This document begins by describing the Cheshire County HealthiestWhere Are We Going?page 23 Community Initiative, known as Vision 2020, how it originated and its goals. This is followed by a statistical snapshot and community stories How Are We Going to Do This? page 45 about Cheshire Countys current state of health. Next is an in-depth review of measured health trends for Cheshire County compared to all of Appendix New Hampshire and the United States, and a discussion about why these Aspirations Toward a Culture of Health page 50 measures are important indicators of the communitys overall health,and where we stand now in relation to our goals.Local, State, and National Resources page 52Endnotespage 54 The document then answers the question: How are we going to do this? and outlines suggested next steps of how partner organizations andHow to Get Involved Checklist page 60 community members can become involved.Engaging Our Community In Health388222_CMC2.indd 5 2/1/10 12:26 PM'