b'PLAYHHEEAALLTTHHYYRegardless of age, play reduces stress, improves mood andis an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In an age of hightechnology temptations, our leisure time is as likely to bespent in front of a computer screen as on a hiking trail, andour overall health has deteriorated as a result. Just tenminutes of physical activity each week can pay enormousdividends. Ample opportunity for healthy play and other leisure-timeactivities, is a vital part of any healthy community.Afterschool programs like sports or 5-2-1-0 clubs promote Julie Davenson,exercise and healthy eating for kids. Gyms and recreationcenters like the YMCA allow for many of those afterschool Community Connectionsactivities to be continued as adults. Readily accessible for Afterschoolparks, paths and bike trails encourage outdoor activitywhile also increasing our feeling of connection to our Networking Coalitioncommunity and nature. The 5-2-1-0 program is an integral part of ourcommunitys strategy to reach children 0 to 18 yearsof age and their families with messages that supporthealthy eating and physical activity. Many childrenWellness Policy Committee spend a great deal of time in out-of-school venues andare influenced by the environment and the choicesMembers, Monadnock made available to them. The out-of-schoolRegional School Districtenvironment can play a significant role in the healthbehaviors of children because it can provideopportunities for physical activity as well as forThis year the Monadnock School Districts Wellness healthy eating. In addition, the adults and other youthPolicy Committee developed a new menu of items at these programs can serve as role models for healthythat can be sold at school sponsored events and in our choices.Champion, Julie Davenson, CoalitionHusky House concession stand. CoordinatorWe eliminated soda from the menuand candy can now only be sold infun size portions. Healthier snackchoices including baked chips,granola bars and fruit will beoffered at lower prices than theirless healthy alternatives. As aschool district we are working hardto make the healthy choice theeasy choice. Tom Walsh,Monadnock Regional WellnessPolicy CommitteeFrom left to right: Nancy Bradford-Sisson, Tom Walsh, Karen Balnis,Barbara Arguin10'