b'About Vision 2020 and this Community UpdateVision 2020 is a community engagement initiative designed to foster and sustain apositive culture of health throughout the 23 towns of Cheshire County. Founded anddeveloped by Cheshire Medical Center in 2006, Vision 2020s activities are now beingguided in the community by the Healthiest Community Advisory Board, a group of 30individuals representing schools, organizations, coalitions and businesses.This booklet is a follow-up to the Cheshire County Healthiest Community Plan releasedin early 2010 (healthiestcommunity.org). The indicators being used to measure ourprogress have been updated and there are lots of ideas on how you can get involved.Community partners are stepping forward to implement the rst round of Vision 2020action plans and youll learn about their progress in the pages ahead. You will also hearfrom a number of our Vision 2020 Champions who have pledged to live, share, modeland inspire the Vision 2020 goals in their own lives and share what they are learningwith their friends, families and coworkers. The Healthiest Community Advisory Board: Ellen Avery, Gary Barnes, Andy Bohannon, Nancy Bradford-Sisson, Liz Coppola,Harriet Davenport, Julie Davenson, Ro Dettelback, Marj Droppa, Rudy Fedrizzi, MaichGardner, Marylee Greaves, Yvonne Goldsberry, Deb Hunter, Pat Hitchner, RalphJernberg, Maryanne Keating, Laura Keith King, Cheryl Martin, Christine Parshall,Kelsey Plifka, Linda Rubin, Judy Sadoski, Peter Sebert, Susy Thielen Acknowledgements:Thank you to all of the partners who have been working to bring Vision 2020 to life andhelping to achieve our goal of becoming the healthiest community in the nation. Additionalthanks and appreciation go to the Vision 2020 Champions, members of the Vision 2020 actionplanning groups, the Council for a Healthier Community, Antioch New England Institute ofAntioch University New England and the Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock KeeneCommunity Health Department. Cover art:Live and be Well- courtesy of Vision 2020 Champion, Kathrine Piper, Keene, NH|kathrinepiper.comPhoto credits: Vision 2020 Champions, Deb Gentille and Jan Kobeski'