b'This is why I am a Champion . . .Kayaking, picking blueberries, snow skiing and walking withfriends are some of my favorite activities. Healthy living is abig part of who I am and has always been the way I havetried to live my life. Being a V2020 Champion has confirmedmy goal to live a long and healthy life and it is what I wantfor my family, friends, neighbors and everyone who lives inCheshire County. Lori Plifka, WinchesterMark Seidler, Port Authority CafI feel very fortunate to be able to make a living byfeeding people. Cooking fresh, honest andwholesome food, day in and day out, is anurturing- even loving-activity.By participating inthe Turn a New Leaf menu labeling program, Iam helping my diners make informed, healthfulchoices every day.Mark Seidler, Owner, PortAuthority, KeeneThis is why I am a Champion . . .I was so excited to be the 500th Vision 2020Champion!Learning to make the right choicesabout the food I eat and the physical activity I do (Ilove to fly with my friends!) helps me grow upstrong and healthy. I want to bring this healthyeating, active living message to all the kids I meet sothey can grow up strong and healthy, too. I alsowant to help kids understand that being a goodreader and reading every day helps you reach yourgoals and dreams.Ribby, Keene Swamp Batswith Champion, Donna Watterson11'