b'LIVEHHEEAALLTTHHYYWhere you live has direct impact on how you live, andimproving your surroundings can have enormous impact onyour health. Many factors combine to influence lifestylechoices, and there are steps our communities can take tohelp residents make healthier choices the easy choice. Everyone deserves to live in a neighborhood where the airand water are clean, the streets are safe and healthy food is This is why we are Champions . . . available and affordable. Parks and green spaces, along The Champions program is inspiring individuals andwith sidewalks and bike lanes, encourage physical activity. groups to help spread the message, create enthusiasm forPublic transportation and green development protect the the Vision 2020 initiative and ultimately improve theenvironment. Quality low-cost housing and local jobs health and well being of our community.We want to be areduce stress and increase recreation time. Healthier big part of that. Steve Ryder and Liz Coppola, Elm Citysurroundings impact your health in positive ways every Rotary Club, Keeneday.Ted McGreer and Clark DexterPathways for KeenePathways for Keene raises seed money for the development ofalternative transportation paths in our City. Current projectsinclude completion of the North Bridge (see photo), the CheshireRail Trail (2 miles) and the Ashuelot Rail Trail (3 miles).Improving the built environment to make physical activity easyfor all citizens remains the focus of our fundraising efforts thatincludes the Four on the Fourth Road Race. Champions, TedMcGreer and Clark Dexter, Keene This is why we are Champions . . . We are staunch believers that health is economically driven as isaccess to healthy food choices. We work with students atChesterfield Elementary school hosting field trips and providinghands on farming experiences. We want to help childrenunderstand where their food comes from and how much goesinto bringing it to their tables. Richard and Jeanny Aldrich,1780 Farm, Chesterfield4'