b'Vision 2020 Social Determinants of HealthStrategies1. Increase awareness (community campaign) of link between education and health 2. Promote and implement early education models that work to make children ready for kindergarten/elementary school 3. Implement programs and policies that support students during transitions 4. Advocate for policy to support affordability of higher education and job training programs 5.Implement best practices for making college affordable6. Eliminate health care poverty (debt and lack of access) 7. Streamline access to social servicescreate one point of entry 8. Better coordinate and increase awareness around existing partners on unemployment services andidentify entry points for people 9. Eliminate fuel poverty 10. Advocate for Living wages (campaigns, ordinances)Vision 2020 ChampionsInterested in improving your own health, the health ofyour friends, family, school mates or coworkers, or thehealth of the larger community? Take the first step by Vision 2020 action planning involved input from more than300 Cheshire County residents. In photo; Champions, Cyndybecoming a Vision 2020 Champion. Pledge to live, Ryder, Harriet Davenport and Laura Keith King.share, model and inspire Vision 2020 goals in yourown life and then share what you learn with others inyour social circles. Work at a school or business thathas a wellness team? Become a school or worksiteChampion and help us work together to makeCheshire County the healthiest community to live,learn, work and play in. Find Vision 2020 and theChampions Program on Facebook or at More than 250 local residents signed on in favor of a CompleteStreets resolution to improve our streets for all users: motorists,www.healthiestcommunity.orgwalkers, bicyclists and public transport users. The resolution,drafted by the Keene Young Professionals Network, was passedby the Keene City Council in August 2011.3'