b'tobacco-free policy; the business has also implemented healthy food guidelines for company meetings and celebrations, says Maryanne Keating, MHEAL coordinator at Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene. The worksite, which now has a wellness team and underwent a major renovation that increased store space, also added a physical activity break during the work day. Not everyone who works there knew where products were, so every day each employee teams up with someone they dont normally work withsuch as a manager with a lumber yard workerand they have a scavenger hunt, says Keating. Items they look for are located either very high on the shelf or very low, requiring more physical activity to retrieve it. Winners also get prizes. Recruiting more businessesThe Cheshire County Sheriffs Office, which recently became an Organizational Champion, also worked with MHEAL to complete the worksite wellness WORKassessment and determined that a lactation space for employees and visitors was needed. HEALTHY It will be a quiet room for mothers to breast feed or pump breast milk, says Sheriff Eli Rivera. The plan for the room is in its early stages, but Rivera says the Maplewood Nursing Homes staff cafeteria is part ofwalls will be painted a soothing color and Monadnock Menus and Turn a New Leaf.it will have comfortable furniture, along with a changing table and a refrigerator. Healthy Options Equalsimprove and maintain healthy lifestyleOver the next year, the department will move to a larger space, and the hope is to A Healthier Workforce behaviors in the workplace and at home.promote healthy eating and active living Healthy Monadnock recruits W hether its replacing a vendingorganizations to become Championsin the workplace. machine with a salad barand MHEAL helps those who are alsoMisty Hall, assistant finance director or creating a walking routeemployers with worksite wellnesswith the Cheshire County administrative for a break-time stroll, the best way forassessment, education, planning,office, is coordinator for the organizations employers to create healthier workforcesimplementation and evaluation. wellness committee.is to make the healthy choice the easyTo date more than 20 of the programsSo far, the office has completed choice. 86 Organizational Champions are workingan eight-week fitness program that Thats the idea behind thewith MHEAL to implement worksiteencouraged staff to reach 700 minutes of Organizational Champions programwellness programs, projects and policies.physical activity in that time frame. launched by Healthy Monadnock in 2012.We gave people mini walking weights With technical assistance from partnerScavenger hunts and more and exercise bands to kick start things and Monadnock Healthy Eating, Active LivingSince signing on as an Organizationalget them moving, says Hall. Thirty percent (MHEAL), Organizational Champions workChampion, Hamshaw Lumber in Keeneof staff in the Keene downtown office to make it easier for employees to adopt,has worked with MHEAL to implement aparticipated. 10 Healthy Monadnock Update 2015'