b'LIVE HEALTHYMonadnock Menus truck delivers: Jonathan Slason (left), farm business manager of Harlow Farm in Westminster, Vt., and Damon Anthony (right), chef of Summerhill Assisted Living in Peterborough N.H.MFCC: Making Locallocal food access to include low-incomeThe program, in its second year at the Food Accessible formembers of the Walpole communityFarmers Market of Keene, was so popular through its Double Up Veggie Bucksit was added at the farmers market in Everyone program. Residents who qualify for federalWalpole with the hope of adding it to T oday people are more concernednutrition assistance may now shop at bothother markets in the future, says Amanda than ever about where the foodthe Keene Farmers Market and the WalpoleLittleton, district manager for the Cheshire on their plate comes from. AndFarmers Market using their benefits cards,County Conservation District (CCCD). With were lucky in the Monadnock Region toand double their purchasing power up tothe addition of a Thursday night market have a coalition and so many memberan extra $10 a day. The program is staffedat the Colony Mill Marketplace in Keene, organizations dedicated to ensuringby MFCC volunteers.shoppers in the Monadnock Region can that local agriculture thrives in ouruse Double Up Veggie Bucks four times a communities.week. This year, Littleton adds, there were The Monadnock Farm and Community115 new families using their benefits at Coalition (MFCC) is a regional coalitionthe Keene marketdouble the number consisting of individuals and memberfrom last year. organizations. The group has been hardThe number of new users continues at work this year recruiting new membersto grow, she says. and building capacity in the communityBringing local food to schools, to expand farm-to-school initiatives,businesses and moreeducate consumers about local food,Monadnock Menus, another Cheshire encourage farm entrepreneurs and findCounty Conservation District run program, ways to make local food accessible tois also in its second year. Monadnock everyone in our communities. Menus is a service that gathers and Making local food accessible delivers local agricultural products to This past year, the Cheshire Countyschools, businesses and other institutions Conservation District (an MFCC memberin the Monadnock Region using an online organization) has focused on expandingordering system. 8 Healthy Monadnock Update 2015'