b'Each organization Halls office also hosted the firsthas its own personality. county-wide webinar, which gave staffBecome anThere are strengths and the ability to dial in from their desktops and learn about healthy eating. Next,Organizationaldiffering levels of readiness the worksite will kick off an eight-weekChampion to make changes. We help healthy eating campaign based onemployers capitalize on their their healthcare providers program thatIs your business or organizationstrengths and readiness so encourages eating five servings of fruitsinterested in becoming a Healthy and vegetables a day.Monadnock Organizationalthey can connect the dots Champion? Visit our websiteand be successful. A focus on healthy food and fill out our short interest form. Maplewood Nursing Home has adoptedYoull then receive help to create and Turn a New Leaf, MHEALs healthy menuimplement programs, projects and policies labeling program that helps customersthat make the healthy choice the easy choice identify healthier food and beveragefor your employees or members. There are options at area dining establishments,many innovative ways you can make your including cafeterias. Residents and staff of the nursing home are now able to identifyorganization healthier. Here are some of the the healthier items offered at mealtimeschanges that Monadnock Region business on any given day of the week.and organizations have implemented so far. Bethany Lawson, food service directorBe creative with your plans and get input from at Maplewood, has sent several of heryour employees/members. Then share on our recipes to be analyzed for labelingFacebook page the changes you have made!purposes. She also added a salad bar in the staff cafeteria. There are fresh veggies andTop 10 recommended programs, policies proteins in the salad bar so staff have theand environmental changes for worksites:option to choose that instead of a meal, or1.Adopt and enforce a tobacco-free with a meal, she says.worksite policies.Lawson also replaced two of the2.Offer healthy foods at all employer cafeterias sugar-filled beverages withsponsored meetings, events and a healthier option. The nursing homecelebrations.previously eliminated added sodium in3.Incorporate a dance party or regular their recipes, which meets the Turn aphysical activity break into the workday. New Leafs criteria; and they have started4.Create indoor or outdoor walking routes purchasing food through Monadnockor paths for employees to use; offer Menus (see story about this program onthe choice of walking meetings for page 8). employees.5.Install an adequate number of bike racks Expansion plans (at least one bike rack per 7,500 square Over the next year, MHEAL will continuefeet of employee space).to work with more Healthy Monadnock6.Provide employees with food preparation Organizational Champions.and storage facilities.A manufacturing facility is completely7.Subsidize or discount the cost of onsite or different from an office or a retail storeoffsite exercise facilities.or healthcare facility, says Keating. Each8.Provide stress management programs.organization has its own personality.9.Provide free or subsidized health risk There are strengths and different levelsassessment or biometric screenings.of readiness to make changes. We help10.Adopt a policy and create a designated employers capitalize on their strengthsspace for breastfeeding mothers.and readiness so they can connect the dots and be successful. Residents of Maplewood Nursing Home in Westmoreland have created a community garden; the cafeteria uses the produce grown in its meals.www.healthymonadnock.org 11'