b'the company will offer healthy food choicesAs part of the compact with HealthyVice president Ken Hoeppner explains at meetings and company functions.Monadnock, Belair has also set a targetthat while many employees take fitness The company also plans to have 20of increased activity levels among all herbreaks such as walking outside, the fitness employeesand 50 customers as well employees with at least half meeting thecenter was embraced because it would offer signed up as Individual Champions. AnotherCDC guidelines for physical activity, whichmore variety, and people could use it on measure of success: Half the workforce willis 150 hours a week of moderate aerobicrainy or cold days. increase activity levels in general by nextexercise and strength work.I think everyone in general felt it September.Keene Family YMCAwas something they would use and that Comptroller Barbara Leatherman saysparticipation would be better, he says. she sees activity breaks as a way to take careThe company also set a target of of the 3 oclock doldrums, improve moraleregistering seven new Individual Champions.and get the group to be more aware of eachMarkem-Imajeother as a team.Home Health Care HospiceAs Keenes largest fitness center, the Keene and CommunityFamily YMCA is practicing what it preaches Services with its goal to get all 130 employees more We have had aactive. long tradition ofAs part of a compact signed at the end ofMarkem-Imaje wants its more than 400 providing wellnessthe Learning Collaborative, the Y has pledgedemployees to start walking and will make it in the community,that by May 2015, daily physical activityeasy for them to do that by creating walking notes Peg Hauschildt, manager of thebreaks will become policy, employees willroutes both indoors and outside. The goal Wellness Program at Home Health Careset fitness goals, and where applicable,by May 2015 is to have 35 percent of the Hospice and Community Services (picturedemployees will develop and implement aworkforce taking walking breaks at least once standing; also pictured, Cathy Sorenson). tobacco cessation plan. a day, 95 percent of the managers taking As an Organizational Champion,The goal is to have 95 percent of itsdaily walking breaks and 50 percent taking providing wellness within the organizationemployees taking five fitness breaks a week;regular walking breaks with colleagues. is also paramount. To that end, they have95 percent to have increased their activityThe company also plans to provide a pledged to create a Healthy Celebrationslevels; 50 percent meeting the fitness goalshealthy food menu for company meetings menu and train all managers on its use forthey set within six months.with the aim of having all meetings serving celebratory gatherings by May 2015.In addition, The Keene Family YMCAonly healthy food offerings.The majority of options at all of ourhas pledged to sign up 123 new IndividualIn addition, the company has pledged celebrations will come from the HealthyChampions.to recruit 108 employees as Individual Celebrations menu, says Hauschildt. InWe picked goals we felt would beChampions.addition, they hope to register 25 percentachievable and have the biggest impact,Monadnock Family of their employees as Individual Champions,says Peter Sebert, the Ys Healthy LifestyleServicesshe says. director.As a champion The InsuranceThe MacMillin Company for health in the Source community, At TheMonadnock Family InsuranceServices takes its role Source, all sixseriously and will make awareness of Healthy employeesMonadnock and its mission part of the have beenorientation process for all new employees. working on the companys action planAs for current employees, says CEO Phil since February. Although their target date isAfter surveying its employees, The MacMillinWyzik (pictured), awareness of health issues January 30, 2015, the all-woman companyCompany decided the change that wouldthat affect themand their clientswill has already instituted five physical activitybe most effective would be to build a fitnessbe built into regular discussions at staff breaks a week at the office with 100 percentcenter at its Keene office.meetings with the goal of 100 percent of the participation.By September 2015 the company willemployees engaging in a health topic thats The daily dance party makes gettinghave a year-round fitness room in place;on the agenda at meetings by April 15, 2015. active fun. If I can find a way to giveit also set a target of 50 percent of itsOther goals include signing up 31 new everyone a break, it helps not just physicallyemployees using the new fitness roomIndividual Champions and developing a but mentally, says owner Cheryl Belair. regularly.health behavior survey for all 190 employees.www.healthymonadnock.org 19'