b'Where Are We Now?Healthy Monadnock monitors and HealthiestTrend HM2020 Indicator Target Area Baseline CommunityCheshireN.H. U.S. Cheshire vs(Statisticallyupdates 27 core indicators chosen Target County U.S. Significant*) by the community to represent the health of Cheshire County and the Adults who smoke (2012) Health Behaviors 21.0% (2005) 12.0% 18.5% 17.2% 19.6% SAME Monadnock Region. These indicators are being used to engage and align Youth smoking (2011) Health Behaviors 20.8% (2009) 10.0% 19.8% 19.8% 18.1% SAMEour individuals, schools, organizations Adult binge drinking (2012) Health Behaviors 21.5% (2011) 14.0% 17.1% 17.3% 16.9% SAME and towns in the changes needed to improve the health of our community.Chlamydia Rate (per 100,000) (2012) Health Behaviors 135.9 (2005) 150 275.6 233 456.7 N/AThe table tells us the:Any physical activity w/n 30 daysHealth Behaviors 82.3% (2005) 90.0% 82.5% 80.0% 76.9% SAME(2012) 1.Core health indicator being measured. Met physical activity guideline (2011) Health Behaviors 24.6% (2011) 50.0% 24.6% 22.3% 21.0% SAME 2.Healthy Monadnock target area that the indicator belongs in.Adults who eat 5+ fruits andHealth Behaviors 29.1% (2005) 50.0% 27.0% 28.0% 23.0% SAME 3.Target or ultimate goal for that vegetables daily (2009)indicator. Very confident getting health infoHealth Behaviors 86.0% (2010) 94.0% 83.0% N/A N/A N/A SAME(2012) 4.Current values of each indicator at the Health provider main source healthcounty, state and national levels. info (2012) Health Behaviors 81.0% (2010) 95.0% 88.0% N/A N/A N/A BETTER5.Comparison of Cheshire vs. U.S. Residents with health care coverageHealth Care Access &87.7% (2005) 100.0% 87.5% 84.2% 79.6% SAME using the Healthy Monadnock logo (2012)Quality whenever the Cheshire County value is Have personal doctor or providerHealth Care Access &82.8% (2011) 100.0% 78.3% N/A N/A N/A SAME better than the national average (N/A (2012) Quality when this comparison is not possible). Adults visiting dentist (any reason)Health Care Access &73.4% (2006) 80.0% 71.9% 73.1% 67.2% SAME(2012)Quality 6.Trend or whether the current Cheshire County value is better Adults with good or better healthHealth Status 91.6% (2005) 95.0% 83.5% 86.5% 82.9% WORSE(2012) or worse than the baseline value (beyond what we might reasonably Frequent mental health distress (2012) Health Status 7.9% (2005) 6.0% 8.4% N/A N/A SAME expect based on chance or luck alone), if not, we labeled it as the same. All cardiovascular disease mortalityHealth Status 178.1 (2005) 187.0 160.9 152.7 179.1 N/A(per 100,000) (2010)We can see from the Cheshire vs. Suicide mortality (3 year average, perHealth Status 11.2 (2005) 4.8 16.2 13.7 12.1 SAME U.S. column that our values are better 100,000) (2009)than the national average for 14 of the 19 Adults at healthy weight (2012) Health Status 41.1% (2005) 50.0% 37.9% 37.0% 35.0% SAME indicators for which this comparison is possible. The Trend column shows us that Adults with diabetes (2012) Health Status 6.7% (2005) 5.0% 8.7% N/A N/A SAME most of these indicators have remained fairly stable over time, with one getting Community rating (good or better)Social Capital 93.0% (2010) 100.0% 93.0% N/A N/A N/A SAME worse (adults with good or better health) (2012)and one getting better (health provider as Volunteerism (2012) Social Capital 67.0% (2010) 75.0% 67.0% N/A N/A N/A SAME main source of health information). Most of Healthy Monadnocks baseline values Friends over to home (at least once aSocial Capital 66.0% (2010) 72.0% 71.0% N/A N/A N/A SAME were collected before the nationwide month) (2012) economic downturn, after which we might Poverty rate (all ages) (2012) Socio-economic and10.6% (2011) 8.0% 11.4% 9.7% 15.9% SAME reasonably expect many health indicators Environmental to decline, rather than remaining stable, as Children In Poverty (2012) Socio-economic and14.3% (2011) 8.0% 15.3% 13.6% 22.6% SAME has generally happened here. Environmental Unemployment rate (2013) Socio-economic and3.2% (2005) 4.0% 5.1% 5.5% 8.1% N/AEnvironmental Percent 9 thgraders that graduateSocio-economic and86.0% (2009) 91.0% 86.0% 86.0% N/A N/A N/Awithin 4 yrs (20010-2011) Environmental Attended some college (2012) Socio-economic and56.7% (2011) 72.0% 67.9% 49.2% 46.3% SAMEEnvironmental Air quality (days good) (2013) Socio-economic and185 (2005) 300 290 N/A N/A N/A N/AEnvironmental www.healthymonadnock.org 5'