b'Loneliness even can be life threatening:Heres what you can do today:Studies have shown that isolation increasesConnect with someone or invite the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke,someone to connect with you. Join increases blood pressure, lowers mooda club, join a group doing anything and increases the risk of suicide, and eventhat interests you, volunteer, call an worsens our susceptibility to infection.old friend, invite someone to share a Children who lack social connection andmeal, eat meals regularly as an entire attachments exhibit hostile and delinquentfamily around the dining table, or behavior, poor sleep, impaired learning andfind a support group. memory, and low mood. Heal a broken relationship by What can we do? practicing forgiveness. In the act It turns out we know the cure: We simplyAs you sit, talk, work,of forgiveness we are actually need reach out to our friends, neighborsstudy or eat together withhelping ourselves rather than letting and family and include them in our livesothers you are practicingsomeone who hurt us off the hook.the best we can. Lets rekindle the power of the best medicine conversation (not debateour As we work to make Healthy Monadnock a reality we like to say weremore powerful medicinesocial discourse has become better together and that its a healthythan I ever practiced as aso divisive). Engage in genuine, thing to know your neighbors. These arereciprocal conversation.physician. not just words because, in fact, a sense ofBecome a good listenerespecially belonging and connection actually leadswith your family and friends. Learn to physiologic changes that lower stressgroups are more successful at smokingto really listen to what people are hormones and enhance immunity. Socialand alcohol cessation and weight losssayingthis builds trust and shows connection encourages adequate sleep,(even extending to spouses who didntrespect.exercise, better diet, compliance withparticipate in the actual program). The steps we taketo connect with medical advice, and discourages risk-takingA call to action family, friends and neighbors through behaviors such as substance abuse andTo make a big difference in the lives ofsocial gatherings and events, affiliation reckless driving. Social support createsour neighbors and friends requires simplewith civic membership organizations, opportunities for jobs, childcare, sharedthings. These small things we do forbelonging to religious congregations and housing, transportation and security.othersin our families, in our schoolshaving petsit all matters. Every little Connections help so much whenor workplaceshave ripple effects. bit you do to increase social connections things go wrong, too. Cancer survival isKindness, cooperation, charity and healthymoves our community closer to healthprolonged by participation in supportbehaviors are contagious and tend toand closer to the Healthy Monadnocks groups. Stroke victims recover morespread throughout community andgoal of living in the nations healthiest physical capabilities when they are sociallybecome social norms. community.supported.People in peer supportSo remember: Today as you sit, talk, work, study or eat together with others you are practicing the best medicinemore powerful medicine than I ever practiced as a physician. You are helping to extend your life and improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you.Rudy Fedrizzi, MD is the director of Community Health Clinical Integration at CMC/DHKCheshire Walkers. Photo courtesy Dan Most.www.healthymonadnock.org 23'