b'Keene Schools Pave the Way for Safe Walking and Bikingwalking to school with your friends andParents are worried about traffic that it makes kids with an active brain but by driving their kids to school most available for learning, says Corwin.and picking them up at school they are creating that traffic and creating bad air Walking habit spreadsquality, notes Lane. Other strategies being Keene Mayor Kendall Lane launchedexplored are remote pick-up and drop-off (and is a member of) Keenes Safelocations for buses and cars.Routes to School committee, whichMayor Lane, an avid runner, often includes representatives from the city,What is Safe the school district, police and parents,stops at neighborhood meet-up pointsRoutes to School?led by chairman Linda Rubin, director of Healthy Monadnock. The program wasIn 1969 half of the children in the U.S. first implemented at Jonathan Danielswalked or biked to school; 87 percent School, where Lanes children attendedof all children back then lived within elementary school.one mile of their schools. The ability to encourage students toForty-five years later, fewer than walk or bike to school was very attractive15 percent of U.S. schoolchildren walk to me, says Lane. Where I grew up, I livedor bike to school. According to a 2009 a mile from my elementary school andstudy, U.S. families drove 30 billion walked there every morning. I walkedmiles to take their kids to and from home at noon for lunch and back, then Ischool at a cost of $5 billion in fuel; this walked home after school. Kidsadds up to a lot of pollution and traffic dont do that today. on our roadways, not to mention that Not only is walkingkids dont get the benefit of simple to school great(Students) love it,morning exercise.exercise andIn light of these statistics and a a wonderfulsays Mayor Lane. Itsgrowing concern about the long-term bondinghealth and traffic consequences of experiencea social occasion, anthis trend, the federal government around Keeneestablished the National Center for for kids andopportunity for themand walks with adults whoSafe Routes to School to assist states the childrenand communities in encouraging accompanyto talk to their friendsto school. He them, Lane saysschoolchildren to bike or walk to says he hasschool.Today, Safe Routes to School teachers havebefore school. seen nothing but told him that whenis a national and international enthusiasm frommovement to create safe, convenient students walk or bikechildren during his to school they settle in toand fun opportunities for children to walks with them.bicycle and walk to and from school, begin their school day moreThey love it, says Lane. Its a quickly. according to the organizations social occasion, an opportunity for themwebsite. Biking part of the equation to talk to their friends before school. Local Safe Routes to School Part of what the committee is doing isThe students who participate inprograms include collaborative not only encouraging children to walkSafe Routes to School also enjoy thepartnerships with educators, parents, to school in groups but to bike to schoolrelationship theyve formed with thestudents, elected officials, city together, utilizing the citys rail trailmayor.planners, health officials, bicycle and system when possible and advocating theThey wave to me when I seepedestrian advocates and more. importance of wearing a helmet. them now, Lane says of his walkingLearn more about the National Center The committee is also addressing thecompanions. Its one of the better thingsfor Safe Routes to School at www.issue of air quality impact at schools.I get to do as mayor. saferoutesinfo.org.www.healthymonadnock.org 13'