b'Behavioral HealthGoals 1.Foster an accepting community that supports positivebehavioral health.2.Enhance behavioral health of adults and youth in the region.3.Ensure that all people in the region have the opportunity for a life free from violence, trauma, abuse, and neglect.4.Enhance behavioral health of adults and youth in the region through improvement of social connections among residents and their communities.SDoH/Equity Main Lens Social and Community ContextCivic participation, Discrimination, Incarceration, Social cohesionEquityRace, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Veteran StatusStrategic Partner Monadnock Family ServicesBehavioralHealthisasimportanttooverall healthasanyotherconditionapersonmay experience in their lives.Justasheart,lung,circulatory,dental, musculoskeletalandanynumberofphysical21.8%dimensionscontributetotheoverallhealthof an individual, so do behavioral dimensions, such asthewaysindividualsprocessinformation,. the decrease in average daily time experience emotions, cope with lifes stresses, orspent socializing among 65+ year-oldsreact to overwhelming setbacks.Mental healthin the United States from 2003-2018.affects everyone.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018Ratherthanexistinginisolation,physical andemotionalhealthquiteofteninfluenceFigure 7: Trend in Socializing Among Older Adultseachother.Forexample,medicationstotreat behavioralhealthissuesmayincreasetherisk forcardiovascularconditionsandconversely, cardiovascularconditionsmaycontributetothe onset of conditions like anxiety or depression. Page 10 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'