b'Partnerships, Programs, Policy, System, and Environmental changes (PPPSE)Partnerships,Programs,Policy,System,andPolicy Change: Policy change can happen on an Environmentalchanges(PPPSE)isanapproachorganizational,local,orgovernmentalleveland usedtocreatelarge-scale,sustainablechange.represents the rules and protocols that need to It stresses an awareness that these factors oftenbe followed for specific situations. These policies workhand-in-hand,influenceoneanother,are wide ranging and can include anything from andshouldallbeconsidered.Forexample,anchanging the statewide smoking age from 18 to environmental change may be implemented due21, to setting rules for what is or isnt allowed to to a newly formed partnership, or a program maybe served in school cafeterias. Policy change can be developed to encourage people to follow a newbe incredibly effective in creating lasting change system change. The PPPSE process is not linear,throughout the populations it serves.and it functions best when all five elements areSystemChange:Systemchangesinvolve working together in unison. changes made to the rules within an organizational Partnerships:Apartnershipinitsmostbasicstructure,i.e.howthingsaredone,andoften form is when two or more people or organizationsworkhand-in-handwithapolicychange.Asan come together around a common causesuch asexample, this could include a business creating a the Healthy Monadnock Alliance. Partnerships arenew system for how employee orientation is run, keytocreatingcommunity-wideimprovements,based on state-wide recovery policies that were not just to share the workload, but also to minimizerecently enacted.theduplicationofefforts,andtomakesureallEnvironmental Change: Environmental change populations are being represented. isachangemadetothephysicalenvironment. Programs: Programs often focus on individualEnvironmentalchangescanbeassimpleas behaviorchange,andareshorttermmeaninginstalling bike signage on already established bike they have a specified start and end date. Programsroutes,orascomplexassidewalkinstallation are often used as an engagement tool to coincideand pedestrian friendly intersections to promote withapolicyand/orenvironmentalchange.Anwalking and biking.example of this is the community-wide Safe Routes to School program that was developed to promote walkability in conjuncture with a new policy.Page 19 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'