b'The Greater Monadnock CHIP outlines priorityStarting in 2020, the CHIP Priority Areas will be: areasandsetsthestrategicdirectionfortheBehavioral Health, Healthy Monadnock initiative, along with aligningEmergency Preparedness, and raising up regional health priorities.Figure 2 shows key planning and implementationFood Access & Active Living, milestones achieved to date. The LCHM believesHealthcare Access, and thatutilizingskillsbasedontheCommunityProtective Factors & Risk Factors. ofSolutionsframeworkarenecessarytoleadCriteria for ranking the priorities were based on community transformation work.This frameworkregional interest and current momentum as well advancesthefollowingsetofinterconnectedas impact and feasibility. In 2017, LCHM members, skillscommunitiesmustleadfromwithin,leadsubject matter experts, voices of lived experience, together, lead for outcomes, lead with equity, andand interested parties, among others were invited lead for sustainability in order to achieve a cultureto be join priority area workgroups, members to of health. advance this work by developing goal statements Ideally,city,town,andcountygovernmentand moving from a planning to action. leaders, non-profits, businesses, and residents willTheworkgroupsrangefromseventoover clearly see how they fit into the implementation15participants.ThepreviousTobaccoUseand oftheCHIP.ItisthegoaloftheLCHMthatSubstance and Alcohol Misuse Workgroups elected peopleandorganizationswillreviewthisplanto change their name to Protective Factors and Risk and determine what specific role they can play inFactors in an effort to focus more on root causes supporting the improvement of health outcomesof addiction and less on specific substances.The in the region.This plan can be used as policiesoriginal Obesity Workgroup also elected to change are being developed and revised as well as whentheir name to Food Access and Active Living to more workgroups and coalitions are being created andappropriately convey the true work being done.evolve.The plan can be modified as needed when local conditions change. Figure 2:Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan TimelinePage 5 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'