b'Emergency PreparednessGoals 1.Provide training and exercise opportunities to regional partners. 2.Develop a regional strategy to promote personal preparedness.3.Promote personal and family preparedness for those livingin poverty.SDoH/Equity Main Lens Economic Stability Employment, food insecurity, housing instability, povertyEquityIncomeStrategic Partner Greater Monadnock Public Health Network Public Health Emergency Preparedness National health security is attained when the nation and its people are prepared for, protected from, andresilient inthe face ofincidents with healthconsequences.PublicHealthEmergency Preparednessisaregionalprioritytosupport municipalities and community members to prepare forandrespondtopublichealthemergencies34%that may happen in the region such as flooding, long-termpoweroutages,roadwashoutorCost-burdened households in Cheshire infectious disease.County. (Housing costs exceed 30% of The focus of this priority area is to help raisetotal household income)awareness as well as initiate and sustain actionsAmerican Community Survey, 2017associatedwithpersonalpreparednessforall. During the pre-disaster phase, this work involvesFigure 8: Cost-Burdened Householdsengaging the public to create a healthy, resilient, sustainable community vision around emergency preparedness.Through a regular jurisdictional risk assessmentandhazardvulnerabilityassessment therearedefinedgoalsandpriorities.Multi-sectoralstakeholdersareregularlyassembled to determine roles and responsibilities and build relationshipspriortoahighstressemergency Page 12 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'