b'Healthcare AccessGoals 1.Improve access to healthcare through transportation via increased availability of volunteer drivers to positively impact health, well-being, and independence.SDoH/Equity Main Lens Health and Healthcare Access to health care, access to primary care, health literacyEquityRace, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Veteran StatusStrategic Partner Community Volunteer Transportation Company (CVTC)By making healthcare access a regional priority, theLCHMiscommittingtotheimportanceof access in both traditional and nontraditional ways. People having health insurance and understanding their benefits is one piece of a larger puzzle that includes items such as health literacy, appointment availability, and access to transportation.Independencethroughtransportationis somethingthatcaneasilybetakenforgranted. Transportationchallengeswithintheregion includealackofaffordabletransportation options,limitedpublictransportationservices, noweekendoreveningpublictransportation, and limited wheelchair accessible transportation.Increasingaccesstovolunteerdriverservices, especiallyinruralareasthatlackpublictransit34%options, is critical for individuals without personal transportation who often have to rely on family and friends to get about.The current strategy ofVehicle poor households in Cheshire leveragingvolunteerstosupporttransportationCounty (fewer vehicles than household needs is resulting in increased healthcare access,occupants) aswellasincreasedvolunteerismandsocialAmerican Community Survey, 2017connection in the region.Figure 11: Vehicle Poor HouseholdsPage 16 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'