b'Moving the CHIP ForwardAsaregion,wehaveaneedtosetrealisticand ready for new and continued action. To further expectations regarding the pace of change. ThissupportthesuccessofCHIPimplementation, community-made, succinct CHIP is the first steptheLCHMhasmadeacommitmenttosupport in the right direction. With clear and manageableand track the progress to sustain efforts of these goalssetbytheWorkgroupsthemselves,thepriority areas, as well as design a process to change communityhealthimprovementjourneywillbepriority areas in the future.both meaningful and attainable. AstheLCHMcontinuesintoimplementation, The Monadnock Region is lucky to have manyall who are interested are invited and encouraged passionate and dedicated people who spend theirtojoinaCHIPWorkgrouptoprovidetheir days doing what they can to improve the lives ofpassion, expertise, time, resources, and energy toothers. This CHIP process has continued to showimproveequityandhealthofthoseinthe how many people are dedicated to improvementMonadnock Region.To get involved, please e-mail: [email protected] 20 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'