b'being explored, such as a Veterans Appreciation program to provide farmers market vouchers to veteransduringthemonthofSeptember,and investigatingopportunitiesfornewideassuch asanedibleplayground.Accesstofreeseeds andgarden-tools-on-loanarenowprovidedfor allcommunitymembersattheKeenePublic Library.CommunityGardenConnections(CGC) atAntiochUniversityNewEnglandcontinues toworktosupportsocialserviceagenciesand home gardeners in their efforts to grow food, andto-date has donated over 6,000 pounds of produce totheCommunityKitcheninKeenefromthe Westmoreland Garden Project.Activelivingfocusesontraditionaland nontraditional ways for people of all ages to be active.The public health sector has become less concerned about excess weight and more focused onoverallphysicalhealth,whichcaninfluence peoples ability to carry out daily activities of living.Not all communities have equitable access to resourcesorenvironmentsthatsupportactive lifestyles.Poor physical health is not just a matter of individual behavior.It also involves supporting municipalities to adopt complete streets policies, such as safe routes to school programs, age-friendly planninginitiatives,suchasincreasedaccessto recreation areas, and providing opportunities for people to be physically active at work. Page 15 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'