b'Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), Equity & TraumaThe LCHM and all the CHIP Workgroups utilizedTheLCHMknowsthatsocialdeterminantsof very broad definitions of health and equity. Healthhealth,equity,andexposuretotraumaimpact issobroadthatallsectorsareconsideredkeyhealth outcomes; they do not however impact all playersinimprovinghealthintheMonadnockCHIP priority areas equally.This section reflects Region.Since2015,theMonadnockRegionhasa process that was used to engage stakeholders madearenewedcommitmenttoaddressrootonthegroundlevelinrankingwhichSDoHand causes of poor health outcomes.Through workingequity lenses affect their priority area the most.directlywithcommunitymembers,serviceThis section is a reminder that each priority area providers,workplaces,not-for-profitagencies,can be viewed through many lenses which help and others, the LCHM supports a wide range ofto address equity and target interventions in the opportunitiesfromprogramstopolicy,system,most impactful ways. and environmental changes. Source: Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) and Omar Pineda Jr.Figure 3: Social Determinants of Health ModelSocial Determinants of Health (SDoH)In the Monadnock Region there is a high degreeworship,andage affect a wide range ofhealth, of overall good health for most, but not for all.Thefunctioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)These conditions are known as Social Determinants recognizesthatconditionsintheenvironmentsof Health (SDoH). in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, Page 6 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'