b'Introduction of the Community Health Improvement PlanThe Leadership Council for a Healthy MonadnockWhile progress has been made, there is more (LCHM)recognizesthevaluecommunityhealthworktobedone.TheLCHMsvisionforthe playsinthesocialandeconomicwell-beingofupdatedCHIPistocontinuetobemindfulof itsneighborhoods,towns,andcommunities.inequities; and to use their sense of agency and Improvingthehealthoftheentireregionisauthenticitytobringthistopictotheforefront essential to enhancing ones quality of life.Oneofcommunityconversations.Thisplanoutlines of the roles of the LCHM is to oversee the Healthythe priority areas and goals community members Monadnockinitiativeaswellasbethepublichave co-designed in an effort to advance health in health advisory council for the Monadnock Region. the Monadnock Region. The LCHM has led the effort to update a detailedTheLCHMdefinestheMonadnockRegionas andevolvingplantoimprovethehealthofallall 23 municipalities in Cheshire County and the residentslivingandworkingintheMonadnock10western-mosttownsinHillsboroughCounty, Region. The LCHM and its partners are committedwhich is in alignment with the Greater Monadnock toplacingequityattheforefrontofthework.PublicHealthNetwork,oneof13PublicHealth Through both the community health improvementNetworks in New Hampshire.planning and implementation phases, the LCHM has strived to keep asking, Who is not thriving? andHowwillthoseexperiencinginequities continue to be engaged?The answers to these questionswillhelpshapepublichealthstrategy implementation decisions. Figure 1: Map of the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network RegionPage 4 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'