b'Indevelopingthisplan,theWorkgroup purposefully recognized the following:mental and physical health are intertwined and affect everyone;mental health conditions can be as disabling as any physical condition;mentalhealthconditionsoftencome withasocialstigmaagainsttheperson experiencing these challenges;thisstigmamustbereplacedwithan understanding that mental health is equal to physical health in all aspects; and,thereisaseparateandcomprehensive sectionoftheCHIPdedicatedspecifically toprotectivefactorsandriskfactorsthat impact substance misuse. Manypositivechangesarealreadyoccurring intheregionandbeyond.Forexample,while the medical field had traditionally treated mental and physical health conditions in isolation, more andmoreprovidersandinsurancecompanies are integrating their care and treatment plans to include all aspects of health. There are also many examples of community educationaboutmentalhealthconditions, violencepreventionprograms,accesstomental healthservicesinschools,andanarrayof treatment providers in the region that can offer professional treatment services.One peer support agency provides emergency crisis services that are available every hour of every day of the year.Mental well-being is a fundamental component of WHOs definition of health. Good mental health enables people to realize their potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their communities.World Health Organization Page 11 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'