b'The LCHM understands that poverty limits accessBecause of these facts, the CHIP is framed from a to healthy foods and safe neighborhoods, and thatSDoH model as exemplified in Figure 3.moreeducationisapredictorofbetterhealth.TheUSDepartmentofHealthandHuman The LCHM also acknowledges that differences inServices(DHHS)HealthyPeopleprogramhas health are striking in communities with unstableorganizedliteraturesummariesaroundthekey housing,lowincomeneighborhoods,poorairdomains through which the CHIP Workgroups will quality, and lack of living wage jobs.Fifty percentaddress social determinants of health in their work.ofoneshealthoutcomesisdirectlylinkedto socio-economic and physical environment factors.EquityEquityisdefinedinafewwaysaroundtheeducationandhousing,safeenvironments,and world.TheRobertWoodJohnsonFoundationhealthcare.EquityisvisuallyshownFigure4. (RWJF) explains it like this, Health equity meansSimply put, equity is providing people what they that everyone has a fair and just opportunity toneed to thrive, not providing everyone the same behealthier.Thisrequiresremovingobstaclesthing.Somecomponentsofequityare:age, tohealthsuchaspoverty,discrimination,andethnicity,gender,income,race,veteranstatus, their consequences, including powerlessness andand zip code. lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality Source: Robert Wood Johnson FoundationFigure 4: Visual Explanation of EquityPage 7 of 20Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)Nov. 2020'