b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 SomelivingintheRegionaremoreeconomicallyvulnerablethanPersons with Disabilitiesothers.These populations include but are not limited to single parent households; individuals living on a fixed income, such as persons withWithintheSouthwestRegion,over11%ofnon-institutionalized disabilities,elderly,unemployedworkers;individualsexperiencingpersons have some form of disability, and almost 1 in 3 residents age homelessness;householdswithoutaccesstoavehicle;racialand65orolderhaveadisabilitythat ethnicminorities;and,childrenoflower-income.Studiesfindthatimpacts their daily life.Most commonWithin the Region the Americans living in poverty are much more likely to be in fair or poorareambulatorydifficultiesthatlimitincome of 17.7% of 20 to health and have disabling conditions, and are less likely to have usedan individuals ability to walk or climb64 year olds with manytypesofhealthcare. 1 Someofthesepopulationsandthestairs.These account for 47% of alldisabilities is below the economicchallengestheyfacearedescribedbelowandinthedisabilities in the Region.Nearly 30%federal poverty line - more following sections. of all disabled persons have difficultythan double the rate for livingindependently,37%havepeople of the same age Single Parent Householdscognitivedifficulties,32%havewho are not disabled.hearing difficulties, 15% have self-care Where most households have two wage earners to pay for the rent or adifficulties,and14%havevision mortgage payment, single parent households do not have that benefit. difficulties.Althoughpersonswithdisabilitiesaredispersed Approximately28.3%householdsintheRegionaresingleparentthroughout the Region, there is a significant concentration in Hinsdale, families with children under age 18.One of the greatest challengeswhere 25.5% of the population has a disability. faced by single parent families is the availability and cost of child care.In NH the average annual cost of full-time child care for an infant in aPovertyisperhapsoneofthemostsignificantbarriersforthis licensed child care center is 41% of a single mothers median familypopulation.Within the Region the income of 17.7% of 20 to 64 year income, compared to 12% of married couples family income. 2oldswithdisabilitiesisbelowthefederalpovertyline-morethan double the rate for people of the same age who are not disabled.This Thehighcostofchildcareaffects In NH, the average annualfamiliesabilitytochoosethesituation is particularly difficult for disabled residents who depend on cost of full-time child carearrangements and quality of care theythegovernmentsbasicwelfareprogram,SupplementalSecurity for an infant in a licensedmay want for their children.It can alsoIncome (SSI).In December 2012, the average monthly payment for SSI child care center is 41% ofin Cheshire County was $526. 3 The vast majority (97%) of SSI recipients impact their ability to maintain full time a single mothers medianemployment.Somefamilieshavethein Cheshire County were categorized as blind and disabled, and 77% family income, comparedopportunity to rely on relatives, friendswere between the ages of 19 and 64. to 12% of marriedor neighbors for help, while some must couples family income. stay at home to meet their needs. 1 National Center for Health Statistics at theDepartment of Health and Human Services, 2005. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pub d/hus/state.htm 2Childcare Aware of America, Parents and the high Cost of Child Care 2013. http://usa.childcareaware.org/sites/default/files/cost_of_care_2013_103113_0.pdf3U.S. Social Security Administration, 2013http://www.ssa.gov/oact/ssir/SSI13/ssi2013.pdf11'