b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 beachallenge.Therearesteephills,narrowshouldersalongIrrespectiveofsupply,manyindividualsfaceeconomicchallenges roadways,variableweather,andfewbicycleracksanddedicatedfulfillingtheirhousingpreferences.Highpropertytaxescanbea bicycle lanes.substantialportionofhousingcostburden,andareaneconomic obstacleforbothfirst-timehomebuyersandolderhomeowners.AsthepopulationgrowsolderandtheabilitytoownoroperateaBetween1990and2010,Cheshire vehicle diminishes, the need for enhanced mobility options will onlyCountysaverageequalizedpropertyApproximately 21% of increase.It is estimated that 1 in 5 individuals over the age of 65 in thetaxrateroseby19%,asignificantlyrenter households in the Region are non-drivers.For individuals to maintain their independencehigherincreasethanHillsboroughRegion are paying greater and/or remain in their homes as they grow older, they need to haveCountys 5% and Sullivan Countys 1%.than 50% of their income the ability to get to medical appointments and the grocery store, andon rent alone. to connect with friends and others in the community.Therentalmarkethasgrownless affordableinrecentyears.Between AlthoughtheriseoftheInternethasexpandedthewaysinwhich2000 and 2011, the Regions median monthly gross rent rose by 52% individuals can access goods and services, including health care, fromandrental vacancy ratesfellbelow 3%,meaning rentersarepaying eventheremotestofareas,high-performingInternetserviceisnotmore with fewer options to choose from.Households paying more available in all parts of the Region nor is it always affordable.than 30% of their income on housing are considered cost burdened becausetheyhavefewerresourcestoaffordtransportation,food, Availability of Quality Housingclothing, medical care, and other necessities.Approximately 21% of renter households in the Region are paying greater than 50% of their The current supply and location of housing in the Region is not wellincome on rent alone.aligned with the evolving needs of different populations.Both younger and older populations generally tend to prefer, and to some degreeThe cost of rental housing and lack of affordable housing options in the require, housing that is smaller in size, and located near goods andRegionforlowandverylowincomepeople,createschallengesfor servicesorflexibletransportationoptions.However,theRegionsindividuals who are struggling to survive as low wage earners or on housing stock is composed mostly of owner-occupied structures thatfixedincomes.The2013NewHampshirePoint-In-Timecounts arebetween3-4bedrooms(51%).Eventhoughthemajorityofidentified 2,576 people that were homeless in the state in 2013, an households (64%) are composed of 1 or 2 persons.increaseofjustover 5%fromthe2012count. This samecountof homelesspersonsidentified103shelteredand25unsheltered Nearly 1 in 3 housing units in the Region are older than 75 years oldhomelessindividualsinCheshireCountyfrom292personsandan andlackcharacteristicsthatareconducivetoaginginplaceortoaverage stay of 97.95 days in 2012. 4individuals with limited mobility, such as bedrooms and bathrooms at the street level, entrances without steps, wide doorways, etc.These olderhomesaregenerallymoreexpensivetoown,especiallywith respect to wintertime heating costs.4NH Department of Health and Human Services, Homelessness in New Hampshire 2013.13'