b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW OF COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN PURPOSE AND PROCESSThepurposeoftheCommunityHealthImprovementPlan(CHIP)istoprovideawrittenframeworktofocusandsolidifythe activities in the Greater Monadnock region to improve the health of the community.This process began in September 2014 when the Council for a Healthier Community reviewed the State Health Improvement Plan and identified regional needs and assets.The result of the work over the course of this past year is this document, the Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan.The goal is that with sustained and aligned efforts, diverse community partners engaged in a collective impact approach will be abletodocumentmeasuredimprovementintheidentifiedpriorityareasoverthecomingyears.ThisCHIPisnotmeantto demonstrate all the health issues facing the residents of the Monadnock Region, nor is it able to provide information on all the great programs and initiatives that are taking place in our community.As the first CHIP for the region, it is designed as a foundation for which our community can begin to address health needs in a unified way.The CHIP can be used by a wide variety of organizations to inform their own health-related strategic planning and better align their efforts with existing work.The information in the CHIP can also be a resource to officials, employers, planners, and others to both learn about and measure progress towards important health targets. The CHIP is intended to be a living document that can be revisited and updated to meet the needs of our region and ensure that these efforts continue to be collaborative and coordinated. 4'