b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe Greater Monadnock Community Health Improvement Plan is a product of the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network with support from Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, Southwest Region Planning Commission, and the Greater Monadnock Council for a Healthier Community.This Plan incorporates the input of a number of public health and community partners.We are grateful to these individuals and organizations that took the time to be involved in the development of this document.CONTRIBUTORS: \x01Council for a Healthier Community Executive Committee:-Susan Ashworth, Home Healthcare, Hospice and\x01Kathleen McNally, Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco Free Community ServicesCommunities -Ellen Avery, Contoocook Valley Transportation Company -Suzanne Bansley, County of Cheshire\x01Rudy Fedrizzi, MD, Cheshire Medical Center / DartmouthLeeAnn Clark, Monadnock Community HospitalHitchcock Keene -Erica Frank, Southwestern Community Services -Eileen Fernandes, Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-\x01Phil Wyzik, Monadnock Family Services Hitchcock Keene -Mary Lee Greaves, NH Department of Health and Human\x01Southwest Region Planning Commission Services -Gordon Leversee, Keene State College -Jos Montero, MD, Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene -Polly Morris, Monadnock Voices for Prevention-Natalie Neilson, Monadnock Voices for Prevention -Tim Murphy, Southwest Region Planning Commission -Linda Rubin, Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene -Tricia Wadleigh, Greater Monadnock Public Health Network3'