b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 Goals & Strategic ObjectivesGOAL 1Foster an accepting community that supports positive behavioral health. TargetReduce risk factors that affect behavioral health. \x01Increase awareness and understanding of behavioral health issues in the Region (i.e. enhance training for healthcare providers; integrate mental health education into classroom curricula; conduct a community awareness campaign). \x01Support and expand programs or develop spaces in communities that facilitate the sharing of skills, services, and experiences between people of different ages, abilities and incomes to enhance social connectedness.\x01Increase access to healthy and affordable food options within communities. Strategic\x01Increase safe and convenient options for physical activity within communities.Objectives\x01Enhance and expand the availability and array of housing options that are affordable and accessible within the Region located near service centers. \x01Implement programs, projects, and policies that support mental wellbeing in the workplace. \x01Create the conditions for cross-sector collaborations to implement programs, projects, and policies that support mental well-being. GOAL 2Enhance behavioral health of adults and youth in the Region. TargetTo reduce the proportion of adults experiencing frequent mental health distress from 8.4% in 2012 to 6% in 2020. \x01Improve the assessment of regional mental health needs. \x01Increase the availability, affordability, and accessibility of high quality behavioral health services within the Regions communities and educational institutions.\x01Further the integration of behavioral health, mental health, primary care, and other specialty care services.\x01Ensure early identification and referral to appropriate services for children, youth and adults with behavioral health issues. \x01Increase the availability of qualified behavioral health providers in the Region.Strategic\x01Train community members, providers and others to recognize, assist and link individuals to behavioral health services Objectivesand resources. \x01Improve the availability and accessibility of alternatives to long-term institutional care, including home and community based services.\x01Support and enhance community based prevention programs that help increase behavioral health among individuals and families. \x01Build resilience in children ages 0 to 18 through asset-building programs, projects and policies (e.g. Life Skills Training, adult/child mentor programs, etc.).24'