b"GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 \x01Cheshire County Nutrition Connections is a program of Universityan 18 hour training course, who act as peer counselors to other of NHs Cooperative Extension that provides nutrition education atWIC families.nocosttolimited-incomeseniorsandfamilieswithchildren\x01The Monadnock Coalition for the Promotion of Breastfeeding was through in-home visits, group sessions, and home study lessons.formed in 2011 to address the disparities in breastfeeding initiation and continuation between low and higher income families.The \x01Monadnock Menus, another program coordinated by the CCCD, isgroupundertookacommunity-basedparticipatoryresearch a service that gathers and delivers local agricultural products toproject of low income mothers in southwestern NH.From that schools, businesses and other institutions in the Region using anstudy's results the group has created and is implementing a 4-part online ordering system.The project was created by a group ofcommunityactionplanthatincludeschangestothesocialand volunteers who wanted to see more local food available in areapolicyenvironmenttomakebreastfeedingthenormforinfant restaurants but recognized that a challenge for restaurant ownersnutrition. and school food service directors is the ordering, gathering, and distribution of products on a local scale. ACCESS TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY\x01Monadnock Family Services InSHAPE program pairs a person with \x01TurnaNewLeafisaprogramorganizedbytheHealthya severe mental illness, such as depression, with a personal health MonadnockChampionsProgramwithsupportfrom KeeneStatementor, who is also a certified personal fitness trainer.Together, CollegesDieteticInternshipProgramtopromotehealthymenuthe team tailors a unique personal health plan that the participant labeling,whichhelpscustomersidentifyhealthierfoodandcarriesoutwiththementorssupport.Healthmentorsguide, beverage options at dining establishments, including cafeterias, incoachandhelptomotivateparticipantsastheysetspecific the Region. personal health and fitness goals, develop personal nutrition plans \x01TheCornucopiaProject,whichisbasedinPeterborough,offersand learn basic cooking, food shopping and menu-planning skills.classes to elementary schools in the ConVal School District where studentslearnabouthealthyfoodchoicesthroughtheirschoolgardens.They also offer youth and adult cooking and nutrition programs through a partnership with the Peterborough Recreation Department. \x01SouthwesternCommunityServicesadministerstheWomen, Infants and Children (WIC) program, which provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education at no cost to familiesoflow-incomepregnant,breastfeeding,andnon-breastfeeding post-partum women, and to infants and children up to 5 years of age.The WIC program has on staff several mothers who have successfully breastfed their children and have completed 45"