b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 WhiletheRegionhasseenprogressinthedecreaseofprescriptionactivity to car crashes and life-threatening overdoses, and death.drug misuse and the improvement of prescribing practices, it has alsoBetween 2001 and 2006, the percentage of car crashes in the state seen a rapid increase in heroin and synthetic drug use.Communityrelated to alcohol ranged between 35% and 45%. 19 In 2014, there leaders,schooladministrators,andparentsintheRegionhavewere 326 overdose deaths in NH, a significant increase from 48 in expressed public agreement that heroin was among several substances2000.Ofthosedeaths,13wereCheshireCountydrugrelated in the community that needs to be addressed.Cheshire Department ofdeaths.The number of deaths due to prescribed and over-the-Correctionsevaluatedasamplingofinmatesin2014.Ofthe351counter drugs almost doubled between 2008 and 2009, but now inmates evaluated, 89% presented with alcohol or drug issues.Of thedeaths due to heroin and related opioids has skyrocketed. 89% the primary drug of choice was heroin at 53% and second was \x01Alcohol and other drug use may lead to health problems including Comparison of Alcohol Use 2012respiratorydisease,depression,cancer,fetalalcoholsyndrome, andelevatedbloodpressure.Otherimpactsonhealthinclude increased tolerance leading to physical and mental dependency; liver,lung,andkidneyproblems;braindamage,hallucinations, tremors, convulsions, memory loss, and impaired judgment; poor academicperformanceandincreaseddropoutrates;sexually transmitteddiseasesandunintendedpregnancy;riskfrom intravenous drug use; adverse effects from withdrawal; increased medical conditions including cirrhosis of the liver; cardiovascular disease; injuries; seizures; birth defects; and, many other diseases. \x01Impacts from substance use are not just to the individual using.Familiesofanabusercansufferfromdomesticviolence,child abuse,trauma,socialisolation,emotionalstrain,neglect,and fracturedfamilies.Inaddition,oftenfamilylivingconditions decline.Thiscouldincludelessqualityandavailabilityoffood, alcohol at 19%. 18 increased sanitation issues, and increased hazardous conditions. Health Impacts\x01As a parent under the influence, there is an increased risk for the safetyandhealthoftheirchildren.Notonlydochildren \x01The devastating consequences of alcohol and other drug misuseexperience high stress and become burdened with adult roles, they rangefromincreasedviolenceandunsafeorunwantedsexualoftenexperiencesocialandeducationalwithdrawalaswellas18 Cheshire County Department of Corrections Case Management Services Annual Report19 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).2014 Retrieved from: http://www.nhtsa.gov/FARS32'