b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 OTHER REGIONAL HEALTH PRIORITIES6. CANCER PREVENTION7. HEALTHY MOTHERS, BABIES & CHILDREN CancerisatermusedforanydiseasecausedwhenabnormalcellsPregnancy can provide an opportunity to identify existing health risks in divide uncontrollably and invade other tissues.These diseases are thewoman and prevent future health problems for the mother and her leadingcauseofdeathinNH.Approximately7,000casesarechildren.Insomecases,pregnanciesareaffectedbythemothers diagnosed each year, and 2,600 deaths occur.Because cancer is notpreconception health status.Age, access to health care, and poverty just one disease, there are many ways to reduce risk, including healthyare among the most important factors.Preterm births (less than 37 lifestylechoiceslikeavoidingtobacco,limitingalcoholuse,andweeks gestation) have an increased risk of health complications.protecting skin from sun exposure.New cancer cases can be prevented andtheuseofscreeningscanhelptotreatdiseasesbeforetheyRegional assets include: Cheshire Medical Center, City of Keene, Dental become cancerous, or when they are at an early stage.HealthWorks,Faith-BasedCommunities,HomeHealthcareHospice andCommunityServices,MonadnockDevelopmentalServices, Regional assets include: Cheshire Medical Center, Dental Health Works,Monadnock United Way, Southwestern Community Services, The River Faith-BasedCommunities,MonadnockCollaborative/PilotHealth,Center, and othersMonadnock Developmental Services, Monadnock United Way, SAU 29, Southwest Region Planning Commission, and othersGoal: Improve the health and well-being of women, infants, children, and families. Goal: Reduce the number of new cancer cases, as well as the illness, disability, and death caused by cancer.Strategic Objectives: Strategic Objectives:\x01Reduce preterm births\x01Increase colorectal cancer screenings - In 2012, an estimated 72%\x01Reduce unintended teen births - In 2010, the teen birth rate for the oftheadultpopulationover50everhadasigmoidoscopyorRegionwas15.4per1,000women(age15-19)versus14.2per colonoscopy.1,000 women in the entire state.\x01Increasemammogramscreeningfor breastcancer-In2012,an\x01Increase screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other estimated73%ofthefemalepopulationover40intheRegiondevelopmental delays received a mammogram in the past two years. \x01Reducechildhooddentalcaries-In2014,CheshireCounty3rd \x01Reduce melanoma deaths - In 2010, adult men in Cheshire County aged 18 to 49 were much more likely than women to have had agrade students were more likely to receive a protective sealant and sunburn in the last year (59.7% versus 35.6%).caries, than students throughout the state as a whole.6.7% of these students had untreated cavities. \x01Reduce deaths from lung cancer54'