b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018Goals & Strategic ObjectivesThe goal and objectives detailed below include a subset of those included in the Regions 2016-2019 Prevention Plan.This Strategic Prevention Plan along with the Regions Resiliency and Recovery Oriented Systems of Care Plan provide more detailed information related to this health area and the strategic approach of those working to address this issue within the Region.The goals are presented in three sections:the overall focus of the regional network, substance misuse and prevention, and resiliency and recovery oriented system of care. GOAL1Increaseregionalcapacitytopreventsubstancemisuseacrossagenciesandcommunitiesinthe Greater Monadnock Region. \x01Increase the frequency of communication across agencies and communities. \x01Increase knowledge and awareness of current substance misuse issues in the Region. \x01Increase level of collaborative activity across agencies in the Region. Strategic\x01Educate lawmakers, policy makers and regional decision makers to include the Public Health Network Advisory ObjectivesCouncil annually or more often to increase their awareness of alcohol and other drug costs, impacts, and savings realized from efforts and services, and the successful health outcomes of individuals being served. \x01Increase cross-agency resourcing and related coordination for collaborative initiatives. REGIONAL NETWORK Increase the connections and relationships across six core sectors in relation to substance misuse GOAL2throughout the Monadnock Region. \x01Increase the perception of risk and responsibility among business and faith-based sectors. Strategic\x01Increase the engagement of the business and faith-based sectors in prevention efforts. Objectives\x01Increase the number of best practices implemented by the six core sectors. GOAL3Obtain a minimum of 3 new regional data sources for substance misuse across the life span. \x01Obtain one new regional data source for substance use in the pre/postnatal population. \x01Increase data sources for the 12-17 year old population. Strategic\x01Obtain one new regional data source for the 18-25 year old non-college population. Objectives\x01Increase data sources for the 18-25 year old population. \x01Obtain one new regional data source for the 25-65 year old population. \x01Obtain one new regional data source for the 65 and older population. Increase public awareness relative to the harm and consequences of alcohol and drug misuse, GOAL4treatment and recovery support services available, and the success of recovery. Strategic\x01Produce and disseminate effective messages for a range of topics, public audiences, and media channels regularly Objectiveseach year. 37'