b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTThepresenceofstronganddiversesocialnetworkscanincrease individual well-being and community resilience by linking people more strongly to their community and to each other.It is through these face-to-faceinteractions,whichmaybeformal(e.g.clubsortown committees) or informal (e.g. a group of friends meeting for lunch), that people have the opportunity to connect, interact and form social ties.Thesenetworksprovidebothemotionalandpracticalhelpin copingwithstressors.Opportunitiesforsocialconnectednessare especially important in rural areas, where your nearest neighbor could be a far distance away and social isolation is not uncommon.While we are fortunate in the Monadnock Region to have robust social and civic associations, investment in these networks will become even more critical in the future.It is estimated that the segment of the population that is 65 and older will increase from 15% to 26% of total populationbetween2010and2040.Ascommunitiesgrowolder, maintaininggenerationalbalancewillbecomecriticaltocommunity vitality and social capital building.Communities need younger workers andcitizens,notjusttosupportagingseniorsbutfortheirdiverse knowledge, creativity and energy.The Regions businesses, industries, institutions,andorganizationsrelyontheavailabilityofaskilled workforceforsustainableandbalancedeconomicgrowth.Local schools need younger families to support and advocate for the quality education that is needed to prepare future generations for success.Asourpopulationgrowsolder,theneedforappropriatehousing, transportation, health care, delivery and supportive services will only increase.While seniors and Baby Boomers generally want to age in their own homes or locale, most of our Regions communities do not currentlysupporttheappropriatehousing,socialservicesand transportation these older adults need to live independently.Above photos: Communities can enhance population health by creating and maintaining opportunities for social connections and to establish social networks.These spaces can be as simple as village stores, libraries, town hall, the post office, etc. 14'