b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 fundingfromthestateofNHandrecruitingandretainingskilledstudents,servesasamodelprograminprofessionalpsychology behavioral professionals and providers.There is also the challenge ofthat emphasizes training and supervision and that stays abreast of lack of knowledge and understanding of the impact of serious mentalchanges in research and service delivery in the health care field. illness and behavioral health disorders on families and communities. \x01Emerald Houseisatransitionalresidenceandtreatmentcenter Schools play a large role in providing mental health services to childrenmanaged by MFS for persons recovering from mental illness and intheRegion.Althoughnotallchildreninneedofmentalhealthpreparingtore-enterthecommunity.Theyofferindividualized services receive them, many that do receive them through the schoolservicesthatspecializeinteachingindependentlivingskills, system.According to the NH Center for Public Policy Studies, 25% orincludingvocationalskills,nutrition,budgetingandsocial 17,680 children in NH received services for a mental illness in 2005interaction. through the Medicaid program and the states schools were among the primary providers of those services.Slightly more than 50% of schools\x01Monadnock Family Services (MFS) is a nonprofit, comprehensive, inNewHampshireprovideschool-widescreeningforbehavioralorcommunity mental health center serving the Region.Each year, emotional problems, and 73% of schools provide individual counselingMFSservesapproximately500childrenwithemotionaland services.behavioral disturbances and 800 adults with mental illness through more than a dozen distinct programs in: parent education; youth With lack of state funding and limited care options in our Region, it hasdevelopment;familysupport;eldercare;veteransservices; become imperative for agencies such as MFS to share resources andsubstanceabusepreventionandtreatment;and,individualand thinkdifferentlyaboutcollaborationandintegrationofcare. grouptreatmentandrecoverysupportforpersonsandfamilies Recognizingthecompellingneedtodomoretogether,healthcarestruggling with mental illness.It is one of ten community mental leaders from CMC/DHK, MFS, Monadnock Area Peer Support Agency,health centers in New Hampshire, and has locations within Keene, and Dartmouth Medical School began meeting in 2014 to transformPeterborough, Antrim, Walpole, and Winchester. Cheshire Countys system of care through the integration of primary andbehavioralhealthservices.Theapproachtowardsintegration\x01MonadnockAreaPeerSupportAgencyisaconsumerrun discussedbytheseleaderswillinvolvebringingnewcommunityorganizationwiththemissiontoprovidefreeopportunitiesfor behavioralhealthresourcesfromMFStoeachofthefivePatientmentalhealthconsumerstocometogetherandsupporteach Centered Medical Home teams and also bring primary care resourcesotherinmovingforwardtowardself-determinedgoalsandto from CMC/DHK to the behavioral health home at MFS.establish a culture in which members and participants feel more empowered and less dependent on the mental health system. What Are We Doing?\x01MAPSCounselingServicesisoneofthelargestprovidersof \x01AntiochUniversityNewEnglandsPsychologyServicesCenteroutpatient mental health services in the Region, serving more than provides services for people with problems ranging from everyday1,000 individuals or families each year at locations in Keene and stressandrelationshipissuestomoreseriousproblemslikePeterborough.MAPS is closely affiliated with Antioch University depressionandADHD,aswellasanyassessmentneeds.TheNewEnglandasatrainingsiteformentalhealthinternsand Center,whichisstaffedbytrainedclinicalpsychologydoctoral 22'