b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 Economic Impacts of Obesity What Can Be Done?\x01Overweight and obesity and their associated health problems canObesity,type2diabetes,andtheirrelateddiseasesarelargely have substantial economic consequences.Based on 2006 data, thepreventableandcanbemanagedthroughlifestylemodifications.estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States isPromotingandsupportinghealthylifestylehabits,includinghealthy $147billiondollars,nearly10%ofallmedicalspending.Thiseatingandphysicalactivity,aresimpleyetimportantmeasuresfor estimaterepresentsan87%increaseinmedicalspendingonaddressingtheseconditions.However,preventative measuresmust obesity from 1998, when the estimated medical costs of obesityextend beyond individual behavior were $78.5 billion. 28 change.OursocialandbuiltIn 2012, less than a third (27%) environments play a fundamentalof Cheshire County residents \x01The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity is associated with both direct and indirect costs.Direct health care costs referroleinshapingpeopleschoices,reported eating the topreventative,diagnostic,andtreatmentservicesrelatedtodeterminingtheeaseatwhichrecommended amount of fruits overweightandobesity(e.g.physicianvisitsandhospitalandindividualscanaccessaffordableand vegetables daily.nursing home care).Indirect costs refer to the value of wages lostfood or physical activity. by people unable to work because of illness or disability, as well as Within the Region, some residents have limited access to stores and the value of future earnings lost by premature death.Most of themarkets that provide healthy and affordable food such as fruits and cost associated with obesity is due to type 2 diabetes, coronaryvegetables, especially in more rural and lower income neighborhoods. heart disease, and hypertension. 28Finkelstein et al., 2009 http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/28/5/w822.full?sid=6750b63f-0970-461b-9d39-9439a49405d8 42'