b'GREATER MONADNOCK COMMUNITY HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 Percentage of NH Adults Who Currently Smoke by Level of Educationdevicesthatdeliverflavorednicotinetothelungswithoutburning 40% tobacco but rather vaporizing a liquid form. 33.5%30% The use of these smokeless tobacco products and electronic delivery 23.0% devices is on the rise in NH, particularly among high school aged youth.20% The percentage of adults who currently use smokeless tobacco in the 15.5% Region is 3.4%; whereas, 7.3% of youth in grades 9-12 in the Region reported using a smokeless tobacco product, an increase of 3% from 10% 5.8% 2003 estimates. 0% Preventing tobacco use among youth is particularly important as data 2013 shows that about 80% of users start by the age of 13 and 99% start by the age of 26.Most of these users will carry their nicotine addiction Less than High School High School or G.E.D. into adulthood, risking chronic disease and premature death. Although Some post-High School College Graduate youthsmokingratesintheRegionhavedeclinedinrecentyears Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (decreasing from 21.2% in 2009 to 18.1% in 2011), the state of NHs youthsmokingprevalenceat19.8%isthehighestamongtheNew Percentage of NH Adults Who Currently Smoke by Household IncomeEngland states and ranks 35 thin the nation. 14 40%33.7% Health Impacts of Tobacco Use30.5%30% \x01According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 19.9% smoking tobacco leads to disease and disability and harms nearly 20% 17.4% every organ of the body.On average adults who smoke die 10 9.6% years earlier than nonsmokers.10%\x01Chemicalsproducedbyburningtobacco,suchastar,carbon 0% monoxide, acetaldehyde, and nitrosamines, can cause harm to the 2013 body.Tar can cause lung cancer and other serious diseases that affectbreathingsuchasemphysemaandchronicbronchitis.Less than $15,000 $15,000- 24,999 $25,000- 34,999 Cigarettesmokingaccountsforaboutone-thirdofallcancers, including 90% of lung cancer cases.Carbon monoxide can cause $35,000- 49,999 $50,000+ heart problems, which is one reason why people who smoke are at Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey 14NH Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey; NH Youth Risk Factor Surveillance Survey26'